zan wrote:So.....We owned 12% and the GCs owned every single inch of the rest of the island. Is that right. Think about your answer because there is a small trap in the question.
Here’s that table again Zan…
Land Ownership in Cyprus by Ethnic Group:
60.9% - Greek/Armenian/Maronite Cypriots
12.3% - Turkish Cypriots
0.5% - Others
26.3% - State/Church Land
Source: Department of Lands and Surveys
(Refer to Annex 14 in Volume II of the "Memorandum by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus" submitted to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons, 27 February 1987)
Notice that State land is mixed with Church land in this table for some reason so we can’t calculate while there’s a variable in there but anyway I suspect your claim would look something like this…
TC Claim = 12.3% + (18% of (26% - Church land))
But a good GC lawyer would reply…
“Your Honor the Turkish Cypriot representatives abandoned the Partnership of the Cyprus government in pursuit of armed struggle for partition and thus forfeited their rights”
…and in accordance with Partnership law the GC would have a strong case...