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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Jerry » Sun May 06, 2007 12:42 pm

zan wrote:The real partitionists are grouping. They are patting each other on the back in an uneasy fashion because they have blood on their hands and the prints are clearly visible on the shoulders of their temporary friends. They are not blind but they choose to be. They close their eyes so tightly that they do not even know who their friends are. I would detest the moment I woke up and found that I was one of you.

You cannot see what this “story” of Kikapus has done to this forum. It has driven apart, further, those that you say you want to unite. Not one of you is prepared to criticise a single line in the over exaggerated personal view of a troubled mind. You see this as a victory for unity when it is clearly a party political spin for the “RoC”. You have no intention of unity but of victory. You have nailed your colours to an illegal and unjust entity and will pull any trick to achieve your aims. You give credence to a the corrupt court of politicians and do their dirty work which in some of your cases will include the murdering of innocent people to qualify your undying love for this Cypriot nation that you think exists without the need for its people. You have dared to define what this Cypriot should be as if you are in some sort of position to do so. You speak of unity but cannot see that the tools you use speak of partition. Well done all and in particular the “story” writer himself. The GCs have won one friend and have alienated an entire nation. What a victory.

Zan, I always had a bit of respect for you but now I realise that you are a cretin. Why do you hate so much? Whose blood? The story has driven us apart because you and your chums have criticised and vilified Kikapu. YOU WERE NOT THERE, how do you know his was not telling the truth? The ROC is not an illegal entity, innocents have been murdered on both sides, corrupt politicians exist in the north and ROC.

I do not want partition but I see it as inevitable because its what Turkey wants so take your 18% and shove it up your arse - sideways.
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Postby zan » Sun May 06, 2007 12:55 pm

Jerry wrote:
zan wrote:The real partitionists are grouping. They are patting each other on the back in an uneasy fashion because they have blood on their hands and the prints are clearly visible on the shoulders of their temporary friends. They are not blind but they choose to be. They close their eyes so tightly that they do not even know who their friends are. I would detest the moment I woke up and found that I was one of you.

You cannot see what this “story” of Kikapus has done to this forum. It has driven apart, further, those that you say you want to unite. Not one of you is prepared to criticise a single line in the over exaggerated personal view of a troubled mind. You see this as a victory for unity when it is clearly a party political spin for the “RoC”. You have no intention of unity but of victory. You have nailed your colours to an illegal and unjust entity and will pull any trick to achieve your aims. You give credence to a the corrupt court of politicians and do their dirty work which in some of your cases will include the murdering of innocent people to qualify your undying love for this Cypriot nation that you think exists without the need for its people. You have dared to define what this Cypriot should be as if you are in some sort of position to do so. You speak of unity but cannot see that the tools you use speak of partition. Well done all and in particular the “story” writer himself. The GCs have won one friend and have alienated an entire nation. What a victory.

Zan, I always had a bit of respect for you but now I realise that you are a cretin. Why do you hate so much? Whose blood? The story has driven us apart because you and your chums have criticised and vilified Kikapu. YOU WERE NOT THERE, how do you know his was not telling the truth? The ROC is not an illegal entity, innocents have been murdered on both sides, corrupt politicians exist in the north and ROC.

I do not want partition but I see it as inevitable because its what Turkey wants so take your 18% and shove it up your arse - sideways.

First of all I think you mean 37%. My arse has a greater capacity than you think. Secondly you need to look at the facts of what I write and try to make sense of it. I write with respect for people on the forum in that they have the ability and skills needed so that I do not have to spell things out. I am beginning to wonder if I was wrong in that assumption. He summed up with the intent to make every TC that wants to get on with his life sound like complete villains. Feeding off the skins and blood of the GCs was his description. Are you of the same opinion? Are you all of the same opinion? If you cannot see that that will polarise the TCs into becoming GC haters even if that was the last thing in their minds then you guys are even more blind than I thought you were.
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Postby zan » Sun May 06, 2007 1:17 pm

Kikapu was on for ten minutes after my first post and Birkibrisli on for at least a half an hour. No comment?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun May 06, 2007 1:18 pm

Zan wrote:It seems that YOUR partner in crime Birkibrisli has not even got the face to back up your little story and is going to claim that he was away for a while. I am sorry but you guys are so transparent it is laughable. As far as the property issue goes...What did you expect the TCs to do after the Annan plan OXI from the GCs. The so-called RoC trying to starve then out is one thing but self-inflicted persecution is best left for masochists. Sure we gave you a chance to sort this problem out and with your usual intransigence and greed you double-crossed us. Why don't we sit around and wait for another 40 years while you guys play more games. The RoC is an illegal entity that is not recognised by the TRNC/KKTC or Turkey and should not have been recognised by anyone else let alone allowed entry into the EU. The boarder disputes alone do not qualify it for entry. The OXI to the Annan plan set us free from our consciences and ties to a so-called government that wants nothing to do with us. You can keep them.

If you would be kind enough to tell me what you are talking about here ,I might be able to help...People who know me know that I have regular committments to my 86-year old mother and 7-year old son,and I cannot spend as much time online as some...I just popped into an internet cafe to check the forum,before hurrying home to give Mother her dinner and put her safely to bed,and what do I find? Zan talking out of his arse again...I have no idea what you are talking about as I only had the time to quickly scan the last 5-6 pages of this thread.I won't even get to look at the remaining pages till possibly tomorrow if I get a chance...
But I can say this quickly...It looks as if you too have been recruited by VP to work for the official TRNC propaganda unit,and that is a huge disappointment,Zan...Kikapu spent time and energy (not to mention the emotional input) to tell us of his first trip to his homeland in over 40 years,and all you fuckwits are interested is to counter what you think are his anti-TRNC comments...You have shown yourselves to be miserable sods,totally lucking in humanity or even sipmle human curtesy...And you wonder why we would rather live with our GC compatriots than give you the time of day???You haven't heard the end of this,but it will have to wait as I really must rush home before Mother worries herself to death.In case you haven't worked it out,my own home is not in Sydney and I am away from my computer...But you will keep... :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby zan » Sun May 06, 2007 1:26 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:It seems that YOUR partner in crime Birkibrisli has not even got the face to back up your little story and is going to claim that he was away for a while. I am sorry but you guys are so transparent it is laughable. As far as the property issue goes...What did you expect the TCs to do after the Annan plan OXI from the GCs. The so-called RoC trying to starve then out is one thing but self-inflicted persecution is best left for masochists. Sure we gave you a chance to sort this problem out and with your usual intransigence and greed you double-crossed us. Why don't we sit around and wait for another 40 years while you guys play more games. The RoC is an illegal entity that is not recognised by the TRNC/KKTC or Turkey and should not have been recognised by anyone else let alone allowed entry into the EU. The boarder disputes alone do not qualify it for entry. The OXI to the Annan plan set us free from our consciences and ties to a so-called government that wants nothing to do with us. You can keep them.

If you would be kind enough to tell me what you are talking about here ,I might be able to help...People who know me know that I have regular committments to my 86-year old mother and 7-year old son,and I cannot spend as much time online as some...I just popped into an internet cafe to check the forum,before hurrying home to give Mother her dinner and put her safely to bed,and what do I find? Zan talking out of his arse again...I have no idea what you are talking about as I only had the time to quickly scan the last 5-6 pages of this thread.I won't even get to look at the remaining pages till possibly tomorrow if I get a chance...
But I can say this quickly...It looks as if you too have been recruited by VP to work for the official TRNC propaganda unit,and that is a huge disappointment,Zan...Kikapu spent time and energy (not to mention the emotional input) to tell us of his first trip to his homeland in over 40 years,and all you fuckwits are interested is to counter what you think are his anti-TRNC comments...You have shown yourselves to be miserable sods,totally lucking in humanity or even sipmle human curtesy...And you wonder why we would rather live with our GC compatriots than give you the time of day???You haven't heard the end of this,but it will have to wait as I really must rush home before Mother worries herself to death.In case you haven't worked it out,my own home is not in Sydney and I am away from my computer...But you will keep... :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am glad your mother and son are getting the attention they need.

As for the rest of your post...I think you have sadi more in that hurried post then you have said in all your other posts.

Birkibrislis score board.


As for being disappointed, welcome to the club. You and Kikapu were there a long time ago. If you want to tout his work of fiction as fact then that is your downfall. He did not even kiss the ground in Paphos as he says he did, TPaps arse was in the way.
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Postby Jerry » Sun May 06, 2007 2:10 pm

zan wrote:
Jerry wrote:
zan wrote:The real partitionists are grouping. They are patting each other on the back in an uneasy fashion because they have blood on their hands and the prints are clearly visible on the shoulders of their temporary friends. They are not blind but they choose to be. They close their eyes so tightly that they do not even know who their friends are. I would detest the moment I woke up and found that I was one of you.

You cannot see what this “story” of Kikapus has done to this forum. It has driven apart, further, those that you say you want to unite. Not one of you is prepared to criticise a single line in the over exaggerated personal view of a troubled mind. You see this as a victory for unity when it is clearly a party political spin for the “RoC”. You have no intention of unity but of victory. You have nailed your colours to an illegal and unjust entity and will pull any trick to achieve your aims. You give credence to a the corrupt court of politicians and do their dirty work which in some of your cases will include the murdering of innocent people to qualify your undying love for this Cypriot nation that you think exists without the need for its people. You have dared to define what this Cypriot should be as if you are in some sort of position to do so. You speak of unity but cannot see that the tools you use speak of partition. Well done all and in particular the “story” writer himself. The GCs have won one friend and have alienated an entire nation. What a victory.

Zan, I always had a bit of respect for you but now I realise that you are a cretin. Why do you hate so much? Whose blood? The story has driven us apart because you and your chums have criticised and vilified Kikapu. YOU WERE NOT THERE, how do you know his was not telling the truth? The ROC is not an illegal entity, innocents have been murdered on both sides, corrupt politicians exist in the north and ROC.

I do not want partition but I see it as inevitable because its what Turkey wants so take your 18% and shove it up your arse - sideways.

First of all I think you mean 37%. My arse has a greater capacity than you think. Secondly you need to look at the facts of what I write and try to make sense of it. I write with respect for people on the forum in that they have the ability and skills needed so that I do not have to spell things out. I am beginning to wonder if I was wrong in that assumption. He summed up with the intent to make every TC that wants to get on with his life sound like complete villains. Feeding off the skins and blood of the GCs was his description. Are you of the same opinion? Are you all of the same opinion? If you cannot see that that will polarise the TCs into becoming GC haters even if that was the last thing in their minds then you guys are even more blind than I thought you were.

Might is right eh Zan, we took twice our "share" and we are going to keep it. Yes I know your arse has great capacity, its obvious because that's where you talk from. I had hoped that shoving 18% of Cyprus up your arse would shut you up but I reckon you could cope analy with the whole planet. If I were a TC I would be encouraged by Kikapu's story, I suppose the TCs who live in the ROC that he met are GC haters too. As for TCs getting on with their lives, why should they? How can they? when many are living in stolen property in a country that does not exist to everyone except Turkey.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun May 06, 2007 2:53 pm

zan wrote:First of all I think you mean 37%. My arse has a greater capacity than you think.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

If it were up to me you'd only get just over 12% which is what your community actually owned. I see no reason why you should be given an additional 6% of other people's property just because there are 18% of you in number. Makes no sense whatsoever but....

Knowing what a low life administration Turkey has, and will most likely continue having, I see no reason why Cyprus should even give you 1% knowing that Turkey would swiftly annex any piece.

Cyprus does NOT owe anything to Turkey, in fact it's quite the opposite. Turkey owes compensation to Cypriots for all the death and destruction caused in July 74.
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Postby zan » Sun May 06, 2007 3:34 pm

Jerry wrote:
zan wrote:
Jerry wrote:
zan wrote:The real partitionists are grouping. They are patting each other on the back in an uneasy fashion because they have blood on their hands and the prints are clearly visible on the shoulders of their temporary friends. They are not blind but they choose to be. They close their eyes so tightly that they do not even know who their friends are. I would detest the moment I woke up and found that I was one of you.

You cannot see what this “story” of Kikapus has done to this forum. It has driven apart, further, those that you say you want to unite. Not one of you is prepared to criticise a single line in the over exaggerated personal view of a troubled mind. You see this as a victory for unity when it is clearly a party political spin for the “RoC”. You have no intention of unity but of victory. You have nailed your colours to an illegal and unjust entity and will pull any trick to achieve your aims. You give credence to a the corrupt court of politicians and do their dirty work which in some of your cases will include the murdering of innocent people to qualify your undying love for this Cypriot nation that you think exists without the need for its people. You have dared to define what this Cypriot should be as if you are in some sort of position to do so. You speak of unity but cannot see that the tools you use speak of partition. Well done all and in particular the “story” writer himself. The GCs have won one friend and have alienated an entire nation. What a victory.

Zan, I always had a bit of respect for you but now I realise that you are a cretin. Why do you hate so much? Whose blood? The story has driven us apart because you and your chums have criticised and vilified Kikapu. YOU WERE NOT THERE, how do you know his was not telling the truth? The ROC is not an illegal entity, innocents have been murdered on both sides, corrupt politicians exist in the north and ROC.

I do not want partition but I see it as inevitable because its what Turkey wants so take your 18% and shove it up your arse - sideways.

First of all I think you mean 37%. My arse has a greater capacity than you think. Secondly you need to look at the facts of what I write and try to make sense of it. I write with respect for people on the forum in that they have the ability and skills needed so that I do not have to spell things out. I am beginning to wonder if I was wrong in that assumption. He summed up with the intent to make every TC that wants to get on with his life sound like complete villains. Feeding off the skins and blood of the GCs was his description. Are you of the same opinion? Are you all of the same opinion? If you cannot see that that will polarise the TCs into becoming GC haters even if that was the last thing in their minds then you guys are even more blind than I thought you were.

Might is right eh Zan, we took twice our "share" and we are going to keep it. Yes I know your arse has great capacity, its obvious because that's where you talk from. I had hoped that shoving 18% of Cyprus up your arse would shut you up but I reckon you could cope analy with the whole planet. If I were a TC I would be encouraged by Kikapu's story, I suppose the TCs who live in the ROC that he met are GC haters too. As for TCs getting on with their lives, why should they? How can they? when many are living in stolen property in a country that does not exist to everyone except Turkey.

I still think you are being over generous. Makarios and his henchmen stuck us in 3% of the island and then tried to starve us to death there as well. Might was right then when the UN stood and watched as we were killed. Shame you do not give that part of our history the same respect and honesty it deserves. I personally do not talk in percentages as a rule and certainly do not try to negotiate it. That is for my government to discuss with the appropriate authorities.

I have told you guys before as to whether the TRNC/KKTC exists or not and that is left up to the "RoC". If it exists then so do we. There is no constitution of Cyprus that says otherwise. What it does say though is that neither exists in terms of the 1960 Zurich agreement.
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Postby zan » Sun May 06, 2007 3:37 pm

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:First of all I think you mean 37%. My arse has a greater capacity than you think.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

If it were up to me you'd only get just over 12% which is what your community actually owned. I see no reason why you should be given an additional 6% of other people's property just because there are 18% of you in number. Makes no sense whatsoever but....

Knowing what a low life administration Turkey has, and will most likely continue having, I see no reason why Cyprus should even give you 1% knowing that Turkey would swiftly annex any piece.

Cyprus does NOT owe anything to Turkey, in fact it's quite the opposite. Turkey owes compensation to Cypriots for all the death and destruction caused in July 74.

So.....We owned 12% and the GCs owned every single inch of the rest of the island. Is that right. Think about your answer because there is a small trap in the question. :wink:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun May 06, 2007 3:44 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:First of all I think you mean 37%. My arse has a greater capacity than you think.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

If it were up to me you'd only get just over 12% which is what your community actually owned. I see no reason why you should be given an additional 6% of other people's property just because there are 18% of you in number. Makes no sense whatsoever but....

Knowing what a low life administration Turkey has, and will most likely continue having, I see no reason why Cyprus should even give you 1% knowing that Turkey would swiftly annex any piece.

Cyprus does NOT owe anything to Turkey, in fact it's quite the opposite. Turkey owes compensation to Cypriots for all the death and destruction caused in July 74.

So.....We owned 12% and the GCs owned every single inch of the rest of the island. Is that right. Think about your answer because there is a small trap in the question. :wink:

Let me give the answer away, before you start your Orgasm.

GR, Zan wants to tell you, that the other 6% would be the share of the Government owned land, that the TC's are entitled to.

Did I miss anything Zan.
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