sweetie pie wrote:By the way, had he not been able to produce information to tell them he was still in school he would not have been allowed out of the country.
I say again. YOU said people have 90 days which evidently they have not
Did you not read anything that VP said? Once you turn 18 you are obliged to do the army! No if's No but's! It doesn't matter if you turned 18 on holiday, if you're 18 then you have to do your national service!!!! If you don't want to do it then you sort it all out BEFORE trying to head back to your country. The 90 day thing only applies when you let them know that you wont be doing it BEFORE HAND and not at the airport when you're trying to leave

I usually get mine sorted the day after I land so that I know I will have no problems. I've done this since I turned 18. Everyone in the North knows this, if your cousin didn't then thats their problem...!!!