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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 04, 2007 11:04 pm

iceman wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Hello iceman,

I appreciate that you are fairly new on the forum, but I did write about by past, last year, so here is the link for you to read. When I talk about my life, this is what I'm talking about.......... June 28th ... c&start=10

Let me know what you think afterwards.


Indeed you are right i am fairly new to the forum and i had not read the thread you provided..
I must say you have a natural gift with words..Having read your memories of the short period you lived in Cyprus i am even more puzzled as to why you feel so resentful to your own kind.......considering your bitter past experience...


Can you tel me if you are a TC or Turk, how old, and where were you born, and are your parents Cypriots.

I'll answer your question, once you get back to me.

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Postby sweetie pie » Fri May 04, 2007 11:08 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
sweetie pie wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
sweetie pie wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
He did not visit the occupied part of Cyprus because the British and the American foreign offices advised him that as a British national as well as an American national he could not rely on their respective embassies , which do not exist in the occupied part , to offer him sanctuary should the need arose. As far as your vitriolic comments "and never think about TCs as being his own people."" Let me refresh your memory that his OWN people are the Cypriot people just as they are my people , T/C and G/Cs alike. You consider your self , as you have on many occasions stated , a Turk , that sees Cyprus as another foreign country . Well mate you are wrong. Kikapu has got more Cypriotness in his little finger than you have in your entire body.


My good friend Miltiades is absolutely correct, in what he says. If the Partitionist and the Propagandist had an once of integrity, they would not have challenged him, but since they have, I will have to respond.

Since most of you have British Passports, look at page 3, article 6 on Dual Nationalities. " British National who are also Nationals of another country cannot be protected by Her Majesty's Representatives against the authorities of that country. If, under the laws of that country, they are liable for any obligation ( such as Military Service), the fact that they are British nationals, does not exempt them from it".

For American Citizens, it's even worse.
Pages 4 & 5,

Article 8. Loss of U:S Citizenship: "Under certain circumstances, you may lose your US citizenship by (3) serving in the armed forces of a foreign state".

Dual Citizens.
Article 9. Very much same as the British Passport, with warning about being "conscription for military service for it's citizens, while in that countries jurisdiction".

We all know that the "TRNC" is not a country, but I did not want to deal with it.

You are still ignoring the fact that you may visit the TRNC for upto 90days a year without having to do miltary service. In time due to your age you will no longer have to do any miltary service and allowing for the fact you will never come to live in the TRNC whats your problem? You may visit without any problems but you know what its better that you never see the north as you will find and promote all its faults to gain points from your GC bum chums.

Why is then that my nephew ( turkish cypriot) was held in northern cyprus and refused permission to fly home to the UK because they said he had to do his national service? He missed his plane and had to provide faxed information to inform them he was still at school in the UK (he had just had his 18th birthday while over in Cyprus? It took over a week to sort that out and his passport was withheld so that he could not leave? This was last year by the way

Obviously he tried to flaunt the laws of the TRNC and was inconvenienced for a few days but did he have to do miltary service once he produced the required documents? NO.

The lad has lived in the UK since he was 4 years old. He has dual nationality. He did not deliberately flaunt any laws of the TRNC. He happened to reach his 18th birthday whilst in the north. YOU said he was allowed 90 days. Obviously that is not the case!!

INCONVENIENCED!!!! He had to pay for further accommodation and another flight home. HE IS EIGHTEEN!!

One in thousands, was it resolved amicably? you have to abide by the
laws of that country ignorance is not an excuse.


If it was not true for my nephew it would not be true for Kikapu either.
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Postby iceman » Fri May 04, 2007 11:13 pm

Kikapu wrote:
iceman wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Hello iceman,

I appreciate that you are fairly new on the forum, but I did write about by past, last year, so here is the link for you to read. When I talk about my life, this is what I'm talking about.......... June 28th ... c&start=10

Let me know what you think afterwards.


Indeed you are right i am fairly new to the forum and i had not read the thread you provided..
I must say you have a natural gift with words..Having read your memories of the short period you lived in Cyprus i am even more puzzled as to why you feel so resentful to your own kind.......considering your bitter past experience...


Can you tel me if you are a TC or Turk, how old, and where were you born, and are your parents Cypriots.

I'll answer your question, once you get back to me.


I am as TC born in Limassol 1960,living in Kyrenia since 1974.....Yes,my parents are also Cypriots born in Limassol...
Mothers parents from Piskobu and Malia,fathers parents from Limassol and Antroliku..Hope that classifies me Cypriot enough..
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Postby 74LB » Fri May 04, 2007 11:25 pm

In answer to sweetie pie .....

My recollection is that once you turn 18 years old you are eligible for Military Service so you must have an Exit Permit acquired from Asal Şube, otherwise you cannot leave.

I guess he was 'unlucky' to have had his 18th birthday in TRNC without any of his familiy being aware of the regulations.

If you are over 18 and have an Exit Permit, the 90 day rule is correct.
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Postby humanist » Fri May 04, 2007 11:56 pm

When I make a statement on the things that the RoC has acted upon that I believe are wrong or at least hypocritical I get heralded by the Turkish Speaking Cypriots on the forum, similarly when I make suggestions on how the RoC can do more things to support the Turkish Speaking Cyprots, living on Cyprus.

How come when Kikapu speaks negatively of the trnc administration, he gets blasted from the Turkish Speaking Cypriots and is called a greek in disguise etc .............?

Is honesty really that bitter to bear? I do not think that the trnc is so perfect as some members on this forum would like us to believe. Surely if a child turns 18 years of age whilst on the Island, the trnc would have a some law to look at that issue. Gee even the RoC with its bureacracy in disfunction, allows for that. You may also get a 90 day exit permit as well as a permanent permit to allow you a stay of up to 3 months ever time you visit Cyprus with a further 3 months to be gotten once on Cyprus and after the expiry date of the first one, though you need to organise this before the expiry date. Speaking from a family experience.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat May 05, 2007 12:01 am

iceman wrote:
I am as TC born in Limassol 1960,living in Kyrenia since 1974.....Yes,my parents are also Cypriots born in Limassol...
Mothers parents from Piskobu and Malia,fathers parents from Limassol and Antroliku..Hope that classifies me Cypriot enough..

You gave me more information than I asked for, but thanks all the same.

It makes it a little easier for me to talk to someone, if I got some idea, who they are.

So your question was, after all that had happened to me, why am I so resentful of my own people.?

Who are my people.?

By definition and in reality, all those from Cyprus are my people, including you, a fellow Cypriot. So we speak and follow different religion than the GC's. So what.? Are we not all from the same country.? So my people are the same as your people, whether you accept it or not, and reading your question in the way it was written, you do not consider the GC's as part of you. This is were we differ. I do not hate the GC's nor the TC's, or anyone else for that matter. If I have issues with certain peoples views, it is with them that I have problems with and not the communities of each side.

Now just because I was treated badly in 1963, I should forever feel angry at the Greek Cypriots. Why.? Is it the majorities fault, just because hand full off criminals treated me and the TC's badly from 1963 to 1974. Do we blame everyone to what has happened. Do you want to blame and hate a innocent GC person, who has done nothing to you. Is your revenge open ended, that any GC is a fair game, because of what happened in 1963. The answer is, of course not, but if by chance you said yes, then we should not expect any sympathy from the GC's of what we have done to them, since 1974. So you see, we can either play the hate game from now until we die or learn to live with each other, since they are our own people, from the same country. I choose never to forget, but to forgive.

I get mad at our own people, only to those, which I believe want to divide the island, so that they can gain financially, at the expense of destroying the island, as one country. Rather than work out our political problems, they would rather not, because they have tasted power and money. Then there is the loss of Turkish Cypriot identity. If you live in Cyprus, I bet you do not have the same last name now, that you had when you were born. Just one more of your unique Cypriot identity gone, because everything being formed into Turkey's system of living. I do not wish to be part of Turkey. I visit Turkey often, but do not want them to turn part of my country, into Turkey. If you think I'm being unreasonable and this is a form of disrespect to the TC's, then you are right, if this is what they want to do. The GC's have kept their identity, so who are we to complain to them, when they remained Cypriots, when we want to become Turkey.

You are only 5 years younger than me. If you haven't learned to forgive your own people (GC's & TC's) for all their faults, then you only have conditional love to your fellow country men, and to you own community. I accept all our people, with their faults and all. I don't believe in God, but with a little help from each one of us, I believe in Cypriots living together. Most other Nations do, why can't we.

Bottom line iceman, I do not hate the TC's nor the GC's, and I hope you don't either.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat May 05, 2007 12:10 am

humanist wrote:
How come when Kikapu speaks negatively of the trnc administration, he gets blasted from the Turkish Speaking Cypriots and is called a greek in disguise etc .............?


Once a Nationalist, always a Nationalist, is your answer "humanist".

I choose not to be a Sheep or a Lemming. They are afraid from Independent thinking individuals. They actually would like to live under Dictatorship, then they can save some "brain power", so not to think for them selves.

Pretty sad really.
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Postby humanist » Sat May 05, 2007 12:15 am

Well said Kikapu, the reason I joit this forum was to meet like minded people such as yourself and make friendships with Turkish Speaking Cypriots in order to break the bariers and pre-conceived ideas and judgements of one another. Then I realised that the forum is mostly made up of fascists from the Greek Speaking Cypriot population and partitionists from the Turkish Speaking Cypriot population.

Thank you for your honesty truthfulness and support for one Cyprus and one Cypriot people. I may after reading your post maintain my registration with the forum as I may be able to learn from you and others who hold same humanitarian beliefs about Cyprus and its people, thank you.
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Postby iceman » Sat May 05, 2007 12:35 am

I used to think more or less on the same lines as you until the checkpoints opened and we started mixing with GC's...
In fact i opposed the partitionist TRNC administrations all my life in all ways,be it election times be it demonstrations against their actions...Back in 2002 i spent weeks on the streets demonstrating against them rallying for reunification...
But,as i said when the checkpoints opened and we started interacting with each other,i saw the bitter truth that GC's in general were not thinking along the same lines..
You can say we are all Cypriots,but to them they are more Cypriot than any other..they have that huge chip on the shoulder...
I do not like the idea of being treated as a second class citizen in my own country..
I am not saying TRNC is perfect but at least i don't have that feeling on this side of the border and that means a lot to me...
Having said that,the bottom line as you have put it...I do not hate any GC as long as they show me the same respect i show them as a fellow countryman...After all we are all Cypriots by birth weather we like it or not..
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Postby humanist » Sat May 05, 2007 12:50 am

Iceman said
But,as i said when the checkpoints opened and we started interacting with each other,i saw the bitter truth that GC's in general were not thinking along the same lines..
You can say we are all Cypriots,but to them they are more Cypriot than any other..they have that huge chip on the shoulder...
I do not like the idea of being treated as a second class citizen in my own country..

iceman could you please clarify some of these issues for me please. What do you mean Greek Speaking Cypriots do not think along the same lines? They think they are more Cypriot? How are you treated second class? I am asking you to clarify this so that I can get an understanding and have empathy for the Turkish Speaking Cypriot population.

About your coment on chip on their shoulder I am guilty of that I do have a chip on my shoulder as I do not believe that the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey is right, I do not believe that the entity called trnc at the exclussion of rightful citizens is right either, I do not believe that the expolitation of refugee property is right either, as I do not believe that the discrimination, violence and racism expereinced by Turkish speaking Cypriots between 1963-1974 was right either.

I am now 39 years of age and I can honestly say that most Greek Speaking Cypriots I associate (apart from a fascist uncle of mine who died a couple of years ago) with or come to contact with do not put down Turkish Speaking Cypriots nor do they see them as second class citizens, yes they are bitter abut their properties and right to share their country, that indeed they are. Of-course there is clear hate of the Turks (turkish army/ politicians) as they feel hard done by them. At this stage perhaps you are viewed as different as you appear to be the enemy through the current division of Cyprus is that right I would say NO, but is the current situation in Cyprus right NO.
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