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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 04, 2007 12:24 am

He is a TC and during his life he had a lot of contact with TCs already, so I don't think he doesn't know the TC viewpoint. So why don't you tell me in what way his viewpoint would change? If he formed an opinion about GCs then how exactly this opinion would change by visiting the occupied areas??

Hes 52 not been back to Cyprus for 4 years, means he left when he was 9 hardly supports the above arguement.

Lets try and put this more simply, 2 people argue and you only listen or take into account one side, do you feel this person can make an unbiased evaluation? maybe you have had it this way for so long you really believe this is how it should always be.

Really? So why do you want to impose an apartheid kind of separation of TCs and GCs (on the expense of the human rights of 100s of thousands of people) and not to follow the example of the so many other democratic multi-ethnic countries that exist? Come on Viewpoint, maybe you don't say "GCs are evil" but thats the main message within all your lame excuses that you give to support the partition of Cyprus.

You obviously do not remember my views on this and I will not repeat them yet again, go look them up.

Yes, you are right on this. Kikapu has not taken any GC land, so a return to legality will certainly not affect him negatively in the way it will affect you.
The truth Viewpoint is that even a person that has suffered himself from the intercommunal conflict can realize that today that past is used merely as an excuse for land gains.

I and many TCs like me have not taken any GC land.

Viewpoint, I will ask you again what would kikapu learn by visiting the occupied areas to make him change his mind? By visiting the southern part of Cyprus he learned that Greek Cypriots are not the monsters some people wanted him to believe they are, and that TCs and GCs can live together again without racist divisions.
Now tell me what new he would learn if he visited the occupied areas?
Can you give an answer to this? Or you just found this point, that Kikapu didn't visit the north, as a good way to attack him? (since you have nothing else to say)

Ditto above, one side of the story is always an unbalanced view. What would actually change in kikapolous mind, having read his posts for a while now actually I would think nothing as he hates and depises anything remotely Turkish just like yourself so fo rme he is not a TC but a GC imposter.

I think the account from Kikapu's relative who was speaking "off the record" (or so he thought) prove that what I say is the truth for many (most?) TCs in the occupied areas:

This account was just utter crap and ficticious, hes spoon feeding you what you want to hear and your lapping it up.

You know, I know and everybody knows that the number 1 issue is land, with you (the partitionists) wanting to gain as much land as possible on the loss of GCs. Just like Talat you wouldn't admit this in a public forum, so I don't expect you to do so. At the same time don't expect that anybody else is buying your lame excuses.

The abıve statement tell me and other forum members the you know absuloutly nothing about TCs.

Cypriots are just like all other human beings. We could perfectly live in a democratic multi-ethnic country like the so many other. At the same time, greed is part of human nature as well. This is the key that Turkey uses to maintain the TC support for the occupation. Everything else is minor compared to the land gains, and it is exaggerated by the Turkish propaganda by a factor of 100, to be used first as an excuse to the outside word, and second as an excuse to the conscience of those TCs that benefit from partition on the loss of GCs.

Was greed the nature of the GC in 1963? to return to a united Cyprus you will have to adopt a great deal of something like the AP and we are all aware you are resoundingly against this. Your best best is still that swing Piratis.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 04, 2007 12:29 am

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: ..... we are joint owners of this island and have rights, ....

You certainly do have rights in this country, no one in his right senses claimed the opposite, but what do you mean by …"we are joint owners of this island?" Can you elaborate a bit on this view?

Kifeas the 1960 agreements gave us a 30% 70% balance with veto rights but that was not what they GC wanted so everything went haywire and 1974 occured, this has now taken us to a position where there are clearly 2 sides 2 equal partners, 2 referendums 2 leaders, 2 sides, this means 2 equal negotiating parts, one cannot move forward without the other.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 04, 2007 12:42 am

Get Real, sometimes I feel it would have been much better if you just kept farting and shitting on me, than having to read some of your views and ideas!

First of all, Turkey did not interfere in Cyprus but invaded!

Why do you assume I was just referring to the invasion of July 1974? The Turkish interference in Cyprus commenced in the early 50’s and given the fact that Turkey FORFEITED all rights to Cyprus in accordance with the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne then there was absolutely no reason whatsoever why she was allowed to have ANY say in the 1960 agreements or any other agreements for that matter that took place from 1923 onwards.

Second and more important, if according to your assessment, the TCs would have been assimilated, then they are perfectly justified to have wanted and have done their best to secure partition, and for Turkey to have invaded!

Assimilation means to “blend in” or “adjust” or “integrate”, or if you like assimilation is the cessation of challenge and the adjustment to the circumstances. I did not suggest for one moment that Turkish Cypriots would’ve changed religion, language, or culture, but the will to resist the FLOW of the majority, ie: uniting with Greece or Tanzania. Again I remind that Turkey FORFEITED all rights to Cyprus so technically she was INTERFERING with a sovereign nation.

Thirdly, if it is the fact of life, then why the Armenian and the Maronite communities in Cyprus -who are much smaller than the TC community, have not assimilated so far and they still continue to exist and -especially the Armenian one, maintain their language, their traditions and their religion intact? Unless of course if you do not know the meaning of the word assimilation, and you used it thinking it has a different meaning!

All remaining communities of Cyprus have indeed assimilated with the flow of the majority of Cyprus. Assimilation does not mean to change your ethnic background, or give up, or die, so you might want to check on the meaning of the word yourself.

I suggest you stop talking such rubbish and nonsense, and think a bit more before you post anything, because you give all the wrong messages by the way you approach certain things!

For someone who easily resorts to foul language and seemingly has an anal problem judging by the frequency with which you mention your arse in your posts, I would CEASE POSTING ALTOGETHER if I were you, because there are rumors going around that you are a bloody poofter and I hate that I’m the one that has to break the news to you. Sorry.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri May 04, 2007 1:00 am

Get Real! wrote:Kifeas...
Get Real, sometimes I feel it would have been much better if you just kept farting and shitting on me, than having to read some of your views and ideas!

First of all, Turkey did not interfere in Cyprus but invaded!

Why do you assume I was just referring to the invasion of July 1974? The Turkish interference in Cyprus commenced in the early 50’s and given the fact that Turkey FORFEITED all rights to Cyprus in accordance with the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne then there was absolutely no reason whatsoever why she was allowed to have ANY say in the 1960 agreements or any other agreements for that matter that took place from 1923 onwards.

Second and more important, if according to your assessment, the TCs would have been assimilated, then they are perfectly justified to have wanted and have done their best to secure partition, and for Turkey to have invaded!

Assimilation means to “blend in” or “adjust” or “integrate”, or if you like assimilation is the cessation of challenge and the adjustment to the circumstances. I did not suggest for one moment that Turkish Cypriots would’ve changed religion, language, or culture, but the will to resist the FLOW of the majority, ie: uniting with Greece or Tanzania. Again I remind that Turkey FORFEITED all rights to Cyprus so technically she was INTERFERING with a sovereign nation.

Thirdly, if it is the fact of life, then why the Armenian and the Maronite communities in Cyprus -who are much smaller than the TC community, have not assimilated so far and they still continue to exist and -especially the Armenian one, maintain their language, their traditions and their religion intact? Unless of course if you do not know the meaning of the word assimilation, and you used it thinking it has a different meaning!

All remaining communities of Cyprus have indeed assimilated with the flow of the majority of Cyprus. Assimilation does not mean to change your ethnic background, or give up, or die, so you might want to check on the meaning of the word yourself.

I suggest you stop talking such rubbish and nonsense, and think a bit more before you post anything, because you give all the wrong messages by the way you approach certain things!

For someone who easily resorts to foul language and seemingly has an anal problem judging by the frequency with which you mention your arse in your posts, I would CEASE POSTING ALTOGETHER if I were you, because there are rumors going around that you are a bloody poofter and I hate that I’m the one that has to break the news to you. Sorry.

To tell you the truth, you have just proved that you are by far a much bigger idiot than what I used to think you were!

And if I am a "poofter," will you dare to come and fuck me …"stallion?" I can even travel anywhere you tell me, just to “receive” you! Would you like?


PS: I will even allow you to make some photos of me, while you are doing me the ..."thing," so that you post them later on in the forum and prove that the "rumours" are indeed accurate! Sucker!

I offer money as well ...sucker!
Last edited by Kifeas on Fri May 04, 2007 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 04, 2007 1:08 am

zan wrote:Kikapu will not learn anything from visiting the TRNC/KKTC because he has already made his mind up.

If he hadn't made up his own mind then what would you teach him? What would he learn that he doesn't know already from his own experience?

What your and his problem is, is that you cannot see that the TC people could not sit around and wait for you guys to starve them out. They did not wait in the period between 63-74 and they did not wait after your massive OXI to the Annan plan. You can bleat all you like about it now but in reality should have thought about it then.

Surely GCs have 1% of the blame, and the Turks the rest 99% for what happened in history (the full details here). Therefore the past can not justify your illegalities of today, which is why the occupation and the "trnc" are and will remain illegal.

So, we know already your lame excuse: "What happened 'then' ", and we know you reason: "Steal our land". So everything is clear.

Your leader has seen that he made a big mistake and is now trying to cover it up by giving the refugees TC land and asking them to set up permanent homes. Blink and you will miss the refugee problem. He is stuffing you guys while you sleep and you turn around for more. What time did you set the alarm clock for?

What you say here is just a lie. TC properties were not given to GC refugees. Just some refugees live in TC homes until their own homes are returned to them.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 04, 2007 1:10 am

Kifeas wrote:To tell you the truth, you have just proved that you are by far a much bigger idiot than what I used to think you were!

And if I am a "poofter," will you dare to come and fuck me …stallion? I can even travel anywhere you tell me, just to “receive” you! Would you like?

Look at you…you’re an emotional wreck already!

The moral of this story is that when you fuck with Get Real you fuck with reality. :lol:
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Postby Kifeas » Fri May 04, 2007 1:16 am

Get Real! wrote:
Kifeas wrote:To tell you the truth, you have just proved that you are by far a much bigger idiot than what I used to think you were!

And if I am a "poofter," will you dare to come and fuck me …stallion? I can even travel anywhere you tell me, just to “receive” you! Would you like?

Look at you…you’re an emotional wreck already!

The moral of this story is that when you fuck with Get Real you fuck with reality. :lol:

Am I an "emotional wreck?"

Make sure you do not fuck with Kifeas though, becasue, even though we are on a forum, you can even be made to cry and live it for good, like so many others had! Sucker!
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 04, 2007 1:22 am

Kifeas wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kifeas wrote:To tell you the truth, you have just proved that you are by far a much bigger idiot than what I used to think you were!

And if I am a "poofter," will you dare to come and fuck me …stallion? I can even travel anywhere you tell me, just to “receive” you! Would you like?

Look at you…you’re an emotional wreck already!

The moral of this story is that when you fuck with Get Real you fuck with reality. :lol:

Am I an "emotional wreck?"

Make sure you do not fuck with Kifeas though, becasue, even though we are on a forum, you can even be made to cry and live it for good, like so many others had! Sucker!

Yeah whatever. Now, do you want to go back and counter the technical aspects of my post or should we just call it your win and let it go? You decide.
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 04, 2007 1:28 am

Viewpoint, Kikapu is a TC himself, with TC relatives etc. He has been listening to the TC side of the story for decades. So saying that he had to visit you there to learn your side of the story is ridiculous.

He can hear about both sides of the story in here, in much more detail than any interaction with people during his visit could have. His visit was not about listening to sides of stories. He visited his homeland and what he wanted to find out is the GC attitude toward TCs and how he would interact with GCs in real life.

Was greed the nature of the GC in 1963? to return to a united Cyprus you will have to adopt a great deal of something like the AP and we are all aware you are resoundingly against this. Your best best is still that swing Piratis.

Greed is in the nature of everybody. The problem comes when the greed is not restricted by laws which enforce democratic principles and human rights. The Annan plan was a partition plan, and you are right that a shift in balance of power is required to put a stop in your greediness by forcing you to obey the laws and follow some universally accepted principles as it happens in all other democratic countries in the world.

And don't play the blame game with me, since the other half of the blame in 63 belongs to you, but you also have the exclusive blame for most of the rest 99% of history including today.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 04, 2007 1:36 am

Piratis wrote:Viewpoint, Kikapu is a TC himself, with TC relatives etc. He has been listening to the TC side of the story for decades. So saying that he had to visit you there to learn your side of the story is ridiculous.

He can hear about both sides of the story in here, in much more detail than any interaction with people during his visit could have. His visit was not about listening to sides of stories. He visited his homeland and what he wanted to find out is the GC attitude toward TCs and how he would interact with GCs in real life.

Was greed the nature of the GC in 1963? to return to a united Cyprus you will have to adopt a great deal of something like the AP and we are all aware you are resoundingly against this. Your best best is still that swing Piratis.

Greed is in the nature of everybody. The problem comes when the greed is not restricted by laws which enforce democratic principles and human rights. The Annan plan was a partition plan, and you are right that a shift in balance of power is required to put a stop in your greediness by forcing you to obey the laws and follow some universally accepted principles as it happens in all other democratic countries in the world.

And don't play the blame game with me, since the other half of the blame in 63 belongs to you, but you also have the exclusive blame for most of the rest 99% of history including today.

I give up.
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