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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 03, 2007 10:52 pm

Get Real!
This is irrelevant to my post but if you must know the current situation of Cyprus is the product of the illegal interference of an outsider (Turkey) in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. Had Turkey not interfered the Turkish Cypriot community would have ASSIMILATED to whatever the majority of the island wanted or left the island altogether.

You have been conditioned to place all the blame at the door of Turkey, you should really contirbute some of the blame on your dream to become Greece disregarding the wishes of the TC community. I agree with your comments regarding the assimilation of TCs but being greedy was always your downfall.

his is a fact of life the world around so check the history of ANY country and you’ll find that majority rules so if you can’t beat them you join them and if you don’t want to join them you simply leave. Mother Nature dictates this law not humans.

I agree but not when the majority have a diaboloic track record towards a community, therefore certain safeguards are called for to ensure that neither side can force its will on the other.

Absolutely not! You should not have ANY special rights other than the rights that fall under the modern definition of DEMOCRACY and with all the minority protections in place to preserve your community’s religion, language, culture, customs, etc, just as in modern Western countries such the US/UK/Australia. Any request for special rights is a violation of the rights of all the others and a violation of Democracy.

So I take it that you are against the "RoC" constitution or the Serbia Montenegro examples.

GC dominance has survived thousands of years and multiple invaders so what makes you think that a mere 130,000 odd Turkish Cypriots of a predominantly agricultural nature can avoid it? Have you thought long and hard about this?

We are no longer an easy agricultural morsal for you to consume, we have moved forward as well and will not be easily pushed to one side, we are joint owners of this island and have rights, you cannot just close your eyes to this fact as we will not go away, as long as you do not stop to take our concerns and fears into account you are doomed to stare at the biggest flag in the world.

You may only have this “option” for as long as the current illegal geopolitical circumstances allow you to but it’s not much of an investment for the future of your people I’m sure you’ll appreciate.

This option can only be replaced by something like the AP which as we and the world know you have rejected and demonized, until you come to your senses this option will do.

To go back to my original post you are indeed taking advantage of the Turkish military in an attempt to change the geopolitical nature of Cyprus but you are failing to admit it.

Think of it as both sides using their advantages.
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Postby Kifeas » Thu May 03, 2007 11:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:VP…
Did the GCs have anything to do with the current situation and stalemate?

This is irrelevant to my post but if you must know the current situation of Cyprus is the product of the illegal interference of an outsider (Turkey) in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. Had Turkey not interfered the Turkish Cypriot community would have ASSIMILATED to whatever the majority of the island wanted or left the island altogether.

This is a fact of life the world around so check the history of ANY country and you’ll find that majority rules so if you can’t beat them you join them and if you don’t want to join them you simply leave. Mother Nature dictates this law not humans.

Get Real, sometimes I feel it would have been much better if you just kept farting and shitting on me, than having to read some of your views and ideas!

First of all, Turkey did not interfere in Cyprus but invaded!

Second and more important, if according to your assessment, the TCs would have been assimilated, then they are perfectly justified to have wanted and have done their best to secure partition, and for Turkey to have invaded!

Thirdly, if it is the fact of life, then why the Armenian and the Maronite communities in Cyprus -who are much smaller than the TC community, have not assimilated so far and they still continue to exist and -especially the Armenian one, maintain their language, their traditions and their religion intact? Unless of course if you do not know the meaning of the word assimilation, and you used it thinking it has a different meaning!

I suggest you stop talking such rubbish and nonsense, and think a bit more before you post anything, because you give all the wrong messages by the way you approach certain things!
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Postby zan » Thu May 03, 2007 11:37 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Get Real! wrote:VP…
Did the GCs have anything to do with the current situation and stalemate?

This is irrelevant to my post but if you must know the current situation of Cyprus is the product of the illegal interference of an outsider (Turkey) in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. Had Turkey not interfered the Turkish Cypriot community would have ASSIMILATED to whatever the majority of the island wanted or left the island altogether.

This is a fact of life the world around so check the history of ANY country and you’ll find that majority rules so if you can’t beat them you join them and if you don’t want to join them you simply leave. Mother Nature dictates this law not humans.

Get Real, sometimes I feel it would have been much better if you just kept farting and shitting on me, than having to read some of your views and ideas!

First of all, Turkey did not interfere in Cyprus but invaded!

Second and more important, if according to your assessment, the TCs would have been assimilated, then they are perfectly justified to have wanted and have done their best to secure partition, and for Turkey to have invaded!

Thirdly, if it is the fact of life, then why the Armenian and the Maronite communities in Cyprus -who are much smaller than the TC community, have not assimilated so far and they still continue to exist and -especially the Armenian one, maintain their language, their traditions and their religion intact? Unless of course if you do not know the meaning of the word assimilation, and you used it thinking it has a different meaning!

I suggest you stop talking such rubbish and nonsense, and think a bit more before you post anything, because you give all the wrong messages by the way you approach certain things!

Yeah Get Real you idiot. You are giving fuel to the TCs and giving away what some GCs feel about us. :wink:

This explains why there has been a lack of posts lately. :idea:

Only TCs arguing amoungst them selves. Or are they..................plays eerie music.
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Postby Piratis » Thu May 03, 2007 11:40 pm

Piratis lets deal with your ridiculous and comical post,

Viewpoint, thanks for letting me know right from the beginning that you have no arguments.

So Viewpint, what would exactly change if Kikapu was visiting the occupied areas?

A more balance and less GC biased and orientated viewpoint.

He is a TC and during his life he had a lot of contact with TCs already, so I don't think he doesn't know the TC viewpoint. So why don't you tell me in what way his viewpoint would change? If he formed an opinion about GCs then how exactly this opinion would change by visiting the occupied areas??

No one is saying all GCs are evil, if that what you have understood by taking par tin this forum then you havent learnt much.

Really? So why do you want to impose an apartheid kind of separation of TCs and GCs (on the expense of the human rights of 100s of thousands of people) and not to follow the example of the so many other democratic multi-ethnic countries that exist? Come on Viewpoint, maybe you don't say "GCs are evil" but thats the main message within all your lame excuses that you give to support the partition of Cyprus.

So you believe that visiting the north where people of TC origin reside due to past errors and unresolved issues listening and interacting to their side of the story is supporting illegality? So anyone who even talks to a TC is doing exactly that, you are very comical.

What is comical is that you have no arguments to refute the truths that I said, and you are therefore making up things that I never said in order to attach those. Actually what you do has a name, it is called the Straw Man Fallacy.

I am sure Kikapu still has some concerns about the way unification will happen, but unlike you he is not trying to exaggerate those concerns by a factor of 100, since what he wants is a true solution to our problem, and not to gain something on the loss of his compatriots.

He has no concerns what so ever he has submitted to GC domination and rule, funnily enough from thousands of miles away and thinks that we should do also. Well forgive me for being more concerned as any changes will effect me directly and therefore could turn my world upside down which Im sure Kikapolous would be also concerned about from his home somewhere else on the globe.

Yes, you are right on this. Kikapu has not taken any GC land, so a return to legality will certainly not affect him negatively in the way it will affect you.
The truth Viewpoint is that even a person that has suffered himself from the intercommunal conflict can realize that today that past is used merely as an excuse for land gains.

Because lets face it Viewpoint, the one and only thing you care about is how to achieve partition with TCs gaining as much land on GCs loss as possible. Do you think there is any member or reader of this forum that can not realize this? I have proved this fact in this thread where I show that even if an 18%-82% partition was offered to you (so you wouldn't have to live with the "evil" GCs, or having GCs to "dominate" you etc) you still wouldn't accept since you believe the tanks of Turkey can gain for you more than that.

You have asked me this in the past and if you recall I said I would accept the 18% recognized TRNC not in the EU but my concerns were how woudl you ensure that GC woudl give up their rights in this TC state? my arguement was why not allow GCs to return if they wish and then establish the % then creating a TC state in the EU.

Viewpoint, there is a poll here and no TC replied "yes" to it. Or maybe you were one of those that voted "No. I only accept Cyprus to be a single state" :lol:

So why are you mad at Kikapu? Because he is not a thief like you? Because he doesn't want to gain on the loss of others?

Whos mad? all Im saying is to have a balanced view just visitng either the south or the north will not allow you to put forward informative and believable arguements. His tale is one of a holiday maker in a foreign land where he wants to believe he is one of the locals.

Viewpoint, I will ask you again what would kikapu learn by visiting the occupied areas to make him change his mind? By visiting the southern part of Cyprus he learned that Greek Cypriots are not the monsters some people wanted him to believe they are, and that TCs and GCs can live together again without racist divisions.
Now tell me what new he would learn if he visited the occupied areas?
Can you give an answer to this? Or you just found this point, that Kikapu didn't visit the north, as a good way to attack him? (since you have nothing else to say)

And what would change if he visited the occupied areas?

A balanced view derived from mixing and listening to both communites in their current habitat, but of course this woudl not serve your goal that you have dominated the world stage without allowing TCs to put accross their opinions and Kikapolous hasplayed right into yuor hands.

A more balanced and first hand view derived from mixing with both communities, I know you believe the world should only listen to your side and the past 40 years have spoilt you rotten for

Again the same question as above: How would the "balance" in Kikapus view change? You replied to my post and with the same kind of arguments over and over, but you didn't answer this simple question. I hope now you will.

Or maybe you would convert him to a partitionist by showing to him how nice it is that you can keep under occupation land that does not belong to you, maybe by offering him some GC land for free or at ridiculously low price to buy his conscience?

I wont even bother answering this has the above comments are so low that it reflects your own venom more than anything else

I think the account from Kikapu's relative who was speaking "off the record" (or so he thought) prove that what I say is the truth for many (most?) TCs in the occupied areas:

Turkey and Talat tell the world what they want to hear, but have no intentions for re-uniting. He said, we only voted for the Annan Plan not for Peace. We got much more land in the North than in the South, so we don't want to re-unite.

You know, I know and everybody knows that the number 1 issue is land, with you (the partitionists) wanting to gain as much land as possible on the loss of GCs. Just like Talat you wouldn't admit this in a public forum, so I don't expect you to do so. At the same time don't expect that anybody else is buying your lame excuses.

Cypriots are just like all other human beings. We could perfectly live in a democratic multi-ethnic country like the so many other. At the same time, greed is part of human nature as well. This is the key that Turkey uses to maintain the TC support for the occupation. Everything else is minor compared to the land gains, and it is exaggerated by the Turkish propaganda by a factor of 100, to be used first as an excuse to the outside word, and second as an excuse to the conscience of those TCs that benefit from partition on the loss of GCs.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 03, 2007 11:42 pm

We are no longer an easy agricultural morsal for you to consume, we have moved forward as well and will not be easily pushed to one side, we are joint owners of this island and have rights, you cannot just close your eyes to this fact as we will not go away, as long as you do not stop to take our concerns and fears into account you are doomed to stare at the biggest flag in the world.

Just a quick bit of technical info I’d like to point out VP…

If left to their own devices the Turkish Cypriot community is destined to financial extinction with mathematical accuracy. The false information circulating that the Turkish Cypriot community is financially strong and capable is fed by Turkey’s 30+ year old campaign of HUGE financial aid and political interference… make no mistake.

The RoC is a 20+ billion dollar earning country per annum so there is no comparison whatsoever. It’s important that we separate facts from fiction if we are to ever make any informed decisions about the future of Cyprus.
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Postby zan » Thu May 03, 2007 11:54 pm

Do you want to take the hook out of your mouth now? Kikapu cast that line out for us not you and like the greedy sod you are you rushed in and took the bate even though you do not want it.

Kikapu will not learn anything from visiting the TRNC/KKTC because he has already made his mind up. What your and his problem is, is that you cannot see that the TC people could not sit around and wait for you guys to starve them out. They did not wait in the period between 63-74 and they did not wait after your massive OXI to the Annan plan. You can bleat all you like about it now but in reality should have thought about it then. Your leader has seen that he made a big mistake and is now trying to cover it up by giving the refugees TC land and asking them to set up permanent homes. Blink and you will miss the refugee problem. He is stuffing you guys while you sleep and you turn around for more. What time did you set the alarm clock for? :?
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 03, 2007 11:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:VP…
We are no longer an easy agricultural morsal for you to consume, we have moved forward as well and will not be easily pushed to one side, we are joint owners of this island and have rights, you cannot just close your eyes to this fact as we will not go away, as long as you do not stop to take our concerns and fears into account you are doomed to stare at the biggest flag in the world.

Just a quick bit of technical info I’d like to point out VP…

If left to their own devices the Turkish Cypriot community is destined to financial extinction with mathematical accuracy. The false information circulating that the Turkish Cypriot community is financially strong and capable is fed by Turkey’s 30+ year old campaign of HUGE financial aid and political interference… make no mistake.

The RoC is a 20+ billion dollar earning country per annum so there is no comparison whatsoever. It’s important that we separate facts from fiction if we are to ever make any informed decisions about the future of Cyprus.

So the Swiss being a stronger earning nation than the GC south which is based on our loss should mean that we should go unite with them, great logic...Id rather drive around in a reliable Ford than a dangerous Ferrari with no brakes, all a matter of choice.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri May 04, 2007 12:17 am

Viewpoint wrote: ..... we are joint owners of this island and have rights, ....

You certainly do have rights in this country, no one in his right senses claimed the opposite, but what do you mean by …"we are joint owners of this island?" Can you elaborate a bit on this view?
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Postby zan » Fri May 04, 2007 12:20 am

"We all made mistakes”

Former Greek Cypriot leader Glafcos Clerides stated that they all made mistakes in the Cyprus deadlock, adding “we should have the sense of living together,” the daily Sabah reported yesterday.

Clerides, in his book, which illustrates his relationship with Athens during his political career, stressed that the two communities have right on the government of Cyprus, but that they failed to establish confidence among societies and leaders. He said that they should establish a dialogue.

He also expressed his displeasure on the future of the Cyprus deadlock, noting that the education system encourages nationalist movements in two communities. “This move leads to conditions of distrust. We should establish confidence among societies,” he added. ... wsid=72183
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Postby humanist » Fri May 04, 2007 12:22 am

Kikapu said
could it be, because we are all Cypriots, and that when respect is shown, respect is received back. I show respect to everyone who deserve it, but never gotten Baklava at 10 O'clock at night time, brought from outside, by the manager. Make what you want of it, but I was impressed.

Kikapu, thank you for an interesting holiday journal. I enjoyed reading about your experience and yes it is that we are all cypriots at least those of us who have not sold our souls to turkey.

Mostly thank you for acknowledging the injustice perpetrated by some people selling off Greek Speaking Cypriot land. Furthemore, it is the action behind it and the injustice that it brings with it. The land is just that, however the fact that some people feel that it is okay to steal it from someone and deny them the right of ownership and freedom is a thought I cannot fathom.

Once again thank you I feel I went to Cyprus myself.

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