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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 03, 2007 9:44 pm

karma wrote:Kikapu , I have enjoyed a lot reading about ur Cyprus trip, but the best part was wht u believe about ''HARAM''..
the same word is used in Greek too...and I totally agree with u , Haram is a matter of karma, it brings only bad luck even for the next generations of the person who picked haram properties...and it only make doctors rich :)
This is what my grandmo used to tell me all the time...

We were tought this word from early age. You know which is the worst kind, that you never ever want to hear in your life, is the one mothers might tell their children, usually an adult, because they did something bad, like Partitionist may have stole others property .

"Sana Annaligim HARAM olsun".

Ohhhhhhhhh. You don't want to hear those words..EVER:

So what is the English translation Karma?

Is it just karma.?
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Postby karma » Thu May 03, 2007 9:54 pm

Kikapu wrote:
karma wrote:Kikapu , I have enjoyed a lot reading about ur Cyprus trip, but the best part was wht u believe about ''HARAM''..
the same word is used in Greek too...and I totally agree with u , Haram is a matter of karma, it brings only bad luck even for the next generations of the person who picked haram properties...and it only make doctors rich :)
This is what my grandmo used to tell me all the time...

We were tought this word from early age. You know which is the worst kind, that you never ever want to hear in your life, is the one mothers might tell their children, usually an adult, because they did something bad, like Partitionist may have stole others property .

"Sana Annaligim HARAM olsun".

Ohhhhhhhhh. You don't want to hear those words..EVER:

So what is the English translation Karma?

Is it just karma.?

well I m not sure if this phrase exist in English, and as u know my English is worse than ur Chinese :(
but in Greek we say
haram olsun= na min to hareis

or like the 1 u asked;
analigim haram olsun = na min eheis thn efhi mou (helal etmemek)

and it is really bad to hear it from ur mom also for Greeks :(
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Postby Bananiot » Thu May 03, 2007 9:57 pm

In many words

May you never enjoy what you have (acquired)
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 03, 2007 9:58 pm

zan wrote:Questions?????

Oh!me me me sir!

You wrote:

So I asked him, if there were any more GC land letf and he said there was, but all the good places were all gone. His family had bought a lot of Greek land at £20 a Donum 8 years ago, and that each one was worth around £3,000 now. I said to him, that the land his family has in the South is worth more than all the GC land they have in the North, but he was not intersted.

You deduced:

It is all about land. Those who paid almost nothing to buy tons of land, wanted only Partition, so that they can cash in their chips, or become owners for good, other peoples property. They have corrupted their souls with greed, and living of the flesh of others, just like scavangers.

Now its make your mind up time…………..

They either:

1. Cash in their chips in the north when it is clear that the chips in the south are worth more.


2. Just want GC land for the sake of it


3. Don’t hold much hope of unification and just want to get on with their lives and (just like any other person on this planet) want to make a bit of money if they can. Even if it is less than they are entitled to.

You are a total fake Kikapu and you know it.

So how much GC land do you or your family have Zan. I'm not in the mood to play any fucking games with you anymore. You want to play the Partitionist, then lets hear the truth, if you all dare.

To answer your qustion about the husband.

From £20 to £3,000 in 8 years for stolen GC land. Not a bad return, wouldn't you say, and by the way, they are still the legal owners of their property in the South.

What is the price of TC pre 1974 owned land in the North. I bet it is hell of a lot more than £3,000 per Donum, so that's what they want to achieve with a partition. Their tons of stolen GC land, will eventually be worth much more than in the South, and still own the property there, because they can. It is pure "HARAM MONEY"

They don't want unification, just like you and all the other Partitionist, so don't tell me, that they don't hols any hope. The hope is, you don't have a solution. Easy money hey....HARAM OLSUN ....
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 03, 2007 10:01 pm

zan wrote:Questions?????

Oh!me me me sir!

You wrote:

So I asked him, if there were any more GC land letf and he said there was, but all the good places were all gone. His family had bought a lot of Greek land at £20 a Donum 8 years ago, and that each one was worth around £3,000 now. I said to him, that the land his family has in the South is worth more than all the GC land they have in the North, but he was not intersted.

You deduced:

It is all about land. Those who paid almost nothing to buy tons of land, wanted only Partition, so that they can cash in their chips, or become owners for good, other peoples property. They have corrupted their souls with greed, and living of the flesh of others, just like scavangers.

Now its make your mind up time…………..

They either:

1. Cash in their chips in the north when it is clear that the chips in the south are worth more.


2. Just want GC land for the sake of it


3. Don’t hold much hope of unification and just want to get on with their lives and (just like any other person on this planet) want to make a bit of money if they can. Even if it is less than they are entitled to.

You are a total fake Kikapu and you know it.

Well spotted, he is telling the GCs what they want to hear, man he is a GC playing at being a TC, those childish comments only go to reconfirm that he is in fact an imposter.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 03, 2007 10:02 pm

Bananiot wrote:In many words

May you never enjoy what you have (acquired)

That sounds so gentle in English, that many will just ignore it. But in Turkish, It makes your whole life insecure, because every time something bad happens to you, you will always think of it as the curse of the word "HARAM".
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 03, 2007 10:04 pm

Did the GCs have anything to do with the current situation and stalemate?

This is irrelevant to my post but if you must know the current situation of Cyprus is the product of the illegal interference of an outsider (Turkey) in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. Had Turkey not interfered the Turkish Cypriot community would have ASSIMILATED to whatever the majority of the island wanted or left the island altogether.

This is a fact of life the world around so check the history of ANY country and you’ll find that majority rules so if you can’t beat them you join them and if you don’t want to join them you simply leave. Mother Nature dictates this law not humans.

Do you believe we have rights to a balanced leadership without having to sucumb to GC dominance and ruling?

Absolutely not! You should not have ANY special rights other than the rights that fall under the modern definition of DEMOCRACY and with all the minority protections in place to preserve your community’s religion, language, culture, customs, etc, just as in modern Western countries such the US/UK/Australia. Any request for special rights is a violation of the rights of all the others and a violation of Democracy.

GC dominance has survived thousands of years and multiple invaders so what makes you think that a mere 130,000 odd Turkish Cypriots of a predominantly agricultural nature can avoid it? Have you thought long and hard about this?

If we cant live together 1960 to 1974 then we are clearly better off apart 1974 todate.

You may only have this “option” for as long as the current illegal geopolitical circumstances allow you to but it’s not much of an investment for the future of your people I’m sure you’ll appreciate.

To go back to my original post you are indeed taking advantage of the Turkish military in an attempt to change the geopolitical nature of Cyprus but you are failing to admit it.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 03, 2007 10:11 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:Questions?????

Oh!me me me sir!

You wrote:

So I asked him, if there were any more GC land letf and he said there was, but all the good places were all gone. His family had bought a lot of Greek land at £20 a Donum 8 years ago, and that each one was worth around £3,000 now. I said to him, that the land his family has in the South is worth more than all the GC land they have in the North, but he was not intersted.

You deduced:

It is all about land. Those who paid almost nothing to buy tons of land, wanted only Partition, so that they can cash in their chips, or become owners for good, other peoples property. They have corrupted their souls with greed, and living of the flesh of others, just like scavangers.

Now its make your mind up time…………..

They either:

1. Cash in their chips in the north when it is clear that the chips in the south are worth more.


2. Just want GC land for the sake of it


3. Don’t hold much hope of unification and just want to get on with their lives and (just like any other person on this planet) want to make a bit of money if they can. Even if it is less than they are entitled to.

You are a total fake Kikapu and you know it.

Well spotted, he is telling the GCs what they want to hear, man he is a GC playing at being a TC, those childish comments only go to reconfirm that he is in fact an imposter.

So how much land have you or your family have stolen VP. Lets see how brave you all are. Your Partitionist truth is out. You're not even a Cypriot, so stop lecturing other, what they are. If you have stolen GC land, HARAM olsun.
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Postby zan » Thu May 03, 2007 10:13 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:Questions?????

Oh!me me me sir!

You wrote:

So I asked him, if there were any more GC land letf and he said there was, but all the good places were all gone. His family had bought a lot of Greek land at £20 a Donum 8 years ago, and that each one was worth around £3,000 now. I said to him, that the land his family has in the South is worth more than all the GC land they have in the North, but he was not intersted.

You deduced:

It is all about land. Those who paid almost nothing to buy tons of land, wanted only Partition, so that they can cash in their chips, or become owners for good, other peoples property. They have corrupted their souls with greed, and living of the flesh of others, just like scavangers.

Now its make your mind up time…………..

They either:

1. Cash in their chips in the north when it is clear that the chips in the south are worth more.


2. Just want GC land for the sake of it


3. Don’t hold much hope of unification and just want to get on with their lives and (just like any other person on this planet) want to make a bit of money if they can. Even if it is less than they are entitled to.

You are a total fake Kikapu and you know it.

Well spotted, he is telling the GCs what they want to hear, man he is a GC playing at being a TC, those childish comments only go to reconfirm that he is in fact an imposter.

I owe you an appology VP. I have given this man the benefit of the doubt all the while that you said he is a fake and I was wrong.

As to your explanation Kikapu....As confused and as false as your story.

If there is no settlement then he has no land in the south. Simple.

How much GC land does my family have.......Not even a square inch. What we have got (and if you ever listened to anything anybody else said, you would know) is close to 50 donums in the Green lines. To the RoC.....Haram olsun. I am a richer man without it, if their actions are anything to go by.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 03, 2007 10:23 pm

zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
zan wrote:Questions?????

Oh!me me me sir!

You wrote:

So I asked him, if there were any more GC land letf and he said there was, but all the good places were all gone. His family had bought a lot of Greek land at £20 a Donum 8 years ago, and that each one was worth around £3,000 now. I said to him, that the land his family has in the South is worth more than all the GC land they have in the North, but he was not intersted.

You deduced:

It is all about land. Those who paid almost nothing to buy tons of land, wanted only Partition, so that they can cash in their chips, or become owners for good, other peoples property. They have corrupted their souls with greed, and living of the flesh of others, just like scavangers.

Now its make your mind up time…………..

They either:

1. Cash in their chips in the north when it is clear that the chips in the south are worth more.


2. Just want GC land for the sake of it


3. Don’t hold much hope of unification and just want to get on with their lives and (just like any other person on this planet) want to make a bit of money if they can. Even if it is less than they are entitled to.

You are a total fake Kikapu and you know it.

Well spotted, he is telling the GCs what they want to hear, man he is a GC playing at being a TC, those childish comments only go to reconfirm that he is in fact an imposter.

I owe you an appology VP. I have given this man the benefit of the doubt all the while that you said he is a fake and I was wrong.

As to your explanation Kikapu....As confused and as false as your story.

If there is no settlement then he has no land in the south. Simple.

How much GC land does my family have.......Not even a square inch. What we have got (and if you ever listened to anything anybody else said, you would know) is close to 50 donums in the Green lines. To the RoC.....Haram olsun. I am a richer man without it, if their actions are anything to go by.

Then you got nothing to worry about as far as HARAM is concerned, if you don't have any GC land, and good for you.. Actually I do listen. You have said your family owned 56 Donums. Just was not sure where. But so what, many own land in the RoC and still buy GC land in the North.

Just because there's no settlement now, does that give anyone to steal others property Zan. What can of justification are you making. Many in the North, your and my TC people engaged in this practice. That's what pisses me off, while other make excuses for them...well, no more.

You do not owe VP any oppologies. I have told you all long time ago, that I don't dance to others tune. I'm a independent thinker. I call it the way I see it. I guess you guys did not take me seriously.
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