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Kikapu's time in Cyprus........

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Postby miltiades » Tue May 01, 2007 10:28 pm

Thats what happens when the Boss is away and the junior office staff of the "TRNC" PROPAGANDA DEPARTMENT take over . Just look at this , out of 5 lines , what a joke , wait till the boss is back becausefor all the crap he posts at least he" craps 2 in godd English !!

" grammer " " Absoulutely " " I Still wether ........ !! " A GC WHO KNOW A LITTLE .... !!!

Give it a rest , have a break as they say have a shish !!
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 01, 2007 10:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:

1. I have the utmost respect for Bananiot and his views. Kikapolous has not once stated anything positive about anything Turkish

2. I really have to question his motives, he has not been to see his community for over 40 years and still thinks we live in the dark ages. He could have visited the north quite easily as he was informed on many occassions that he could enter the north for a period of 90 days in any 1 year without having to do any miltary service. He had absolutly no intention of visiting the north because for me he is a GC and should stay south and never think about TCs as being his own people.


1. Why don't you spend some time and read what I wrote in the first 6 months I was on the forum. It's people like you that I can't stand, and the more I learn about people like you the less I like people like you. I had an interesting meeting with my cousin and her husband and their young children, my last day, in Nicosia, who drove to the "South" to see me. I can only say, that he confirmed my beliefs all along. You want to read this, on my last page of my report on Thursday.

2. Rather than shooting your mouth off, why don't you pick up the phone, and pretend to be me, since you know all about my history, and call the "TRNC" office in London, and see what they will tell you, regarding visiting the "TRNC" and the Military Service. Then again, when you're dealing with a de facto regime, they will say anything to get you in, but give it a go anyway. Be sure to mention my age, 52, because that makes all the difference, as suppose to being 49 or less.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 01, 2007 10:47 pm

LENA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:To all,

My Cyprus report will be completed Thursday.

This should give the Partitionist enough time, to sharpen their knives, since they don't seem to have the ability to sharpen their brains.

Kikapu...with all my respect some people here didnt post anything...I wanted to ask few things about your visit there...but we respect the fact that you were busy or you have agreements with your girlfriend and we wait until you finish the story...but to let us wait another 2 days just to let some people share insults id not fair to the rest of us!!!


I'm really sorry for not getting it done as I wanted last Sunday, then yesterday, but it will be finished Thursday late afternoon, so write down your question somewhere so that you don't forget them. I like to invite a lot of questions for that matter, specially from the TC's as well as from the Partitionist & Propagandists.
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Postby LENA » Tue May 01, 2007 10:54 pm

Kikapu wrote:
LENA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:To all,

My Cyprus report will be completed Thursday.

This should give the Partitionist enough time, to sharpen their knives, since they don't seem to have the ability to sharpen their brains.

Kikapu...with all my respect some people here didnt post anything...I wanted to ask few things about your visit there...but we respect the fact that you were busy or you have agreements with your girlfriend and we wait until you finish the story...but to let us wait another 2 days just to let some people share insults id not fair to the rest of us!!!


I'm really sorry for not getting it done as I wanted last Sunday, then yesterday, but it will be finished Thursday late afternoon, so write down your question somewhere so that you don't forget them. I like to invite a lot of questions for that matter, specially from the TC's as well as from the Partitionist & Propagandists.

Ok Kikapu I respect your request...thanks. By the way thank you for sharing your experience and your feelings, I really loved the story including every detail!!
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 01, 2007 11:06 pm

LENA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
LENA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:To all,

My Cyprus report will be completed Thursday.

This should give the Partitionist enough time, to sharpen their knives, since they don't seem to have the ability to sharpen their brains.

Kikapu...with all my respect some people here didnt post anything...I wanted to ask few things about your visit there...but we respect the fact that you were busy or you have agreements with your girlfriend and we wait until you finish the story...but to let us wait another 2 days just to let some people share insults id not fair to the rest of us!!!


I'm really sorry for not getting it done as I wanted last Sunday, then yesterday, but it will be finished Thursday late afternoon, so write down your question somewhere so that you don't forget them. I like to invite a lot of questions for that matter, specially from the TC's as well as from the Partitionist & Propagandists.

Ok Kikapu I respect your request...thanks. By the way thank you for sharing your experience and your feelings, I really loved the story including every detail!!

Thank you for reading and liking it Lena. It's what I experienced. I hope more TC's will do the same and go and visit their Country of Cyprus, even if they do live in the "North". I wanted to learn all the negatives and positive reactions from the GC's towards a TC. I stuck my neck out, for the benefit of all, if they want to make such trips. As it turned out, I did not needed to worry about sticking my neck out, as many of you said before I went there. It was all the negatives from the Partitionist, that created the insecurities in me.

Now I know why they did that, and the embarrassment of their lies, must be killing them.

I say, not soon enough.
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Postby LENA » Tue May 01, 2007 11:38 pm

Kikapu wrote: Thank you for reading and liking it Lena. It's what I experienced. I hope more TC's will do the same and go and visit their Country of Cyprus, even if they do live in the "North". I wanted to learn all the negatives and positive reactions from the GC's towards a TC. I stuck my neck out, for the benefit of all, if they want to make such trips. As it turned out, I did not needed to worry about sticking my neck out, as many of you said before I went there. It was all the negatives from the Partitionist, that created the insecurities in me.

Now I know why they did that, and the embarrassment of their lies, must be killing them.

I say, not soon enough.

Kikapu...I used to have the same doubt and fears like you did before you go to Cyprus. I was been told the same for the TCs. Before I start my research and had to go to the north, meet TC, talk to them face to face, mention a bit of the political situation and ask them personal informations...I had the paranoid reactions that you used to have. I thought that those was going to be probably my last few days on earth etc :lol: that somebody was going to shoot me or something or someone might got upset from my questions and report me to the Turkish police and being arrested or something...:lol: Crazy ha?

Well things was not like that...and it was exactly the opposite...lots of help from TCs, they show me love and respect, open for me their houses, try to give me as much informations as they could without asking from them to do was with their own willing...even bring presents to my family etc. So i do understand your feelings. I can not wait for the end of your trip to Cyprus
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Postby zan » Tue May 01, 2007 11:39 pm

Kiks! I did not want to mention it earlier but as you have pointed out VPs grammar.....What has happened to yours since your return. I remember perfect English without a single Americanism but now you sound more....well.....Greek. Errors in your story and in nearly all your posts. Do we now assume you are more than one person or are the GCs holding the real Kikapu in a secret jail and have sent a doppelganger.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 01, 2007 11:58 pm

ZAN , Sour grapes mate. Kikapu felt at ease with his G/C compatriots , just as I feel at ease with my T/C compatriots. In fact I will will make an effort to visit a dear friend in Kyrenia when I'm next in Cyprus , and do you know what ? My reaction would be exactly as that of Kikapus' My T/C compatriots will treat me with respect and I have no fear what so ever in telling them that I'm a G/C . You see people are like animals , if you show fear you might be bitten , but show respect and they will reciprocate .The T/Cs are a terrific bunch of Cypriots and so are their compatriots the G/Cs
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Postby zan » Wed May 02, 2007 12:13 am

miltiades wrote:ZAN , Sour grapes mate. Kikapu felt at ease with his G/C compatriots , just as I feel at ease with my T/C compatriots. In fact I will will make an effort to visit a dear friend in Kyrenia when I'm next in Cyprus , and do you know what ? My reaction would be exactly as that of Kikapus' My T/C compatriots will treat me with respect and I have no fear what so ever in telling them that I'm a G/C . You see people are like animals , if you show fear you might be bitten , but show respect and they will reciprocate .The T/Cs are a terrific bunch of Cypriots and so are their compatriots the G/Cs

Not in the least Miltiades. If we are going to make assumption about each other then lets be consistent. If the accusations work for one member then they should for others. I have always found it amazing that Kikapu shows no American traits at all in his writing. He makes no reference to his adopted land what so ever. Not that I have seen anyway. If I missed them then I apologise. He shows more errors that I have seen in the GC posters than Americanisms.

As to the rest of what you say about GCs and TCs, I have no problem with. I have never said that Kikapu would have anything other than a great time in the RoC and he will meet good and bad people, just like anywhere else in the world. What he is now trying to do is to use the every day guy in the street or working behind the counter of some government building, to say that the RoC is not hostile towards the TCs. When he can show me a signed letter from TPap and or a few of the high officials from the RoC saying that they wish us no harm and that they have set a firm date for discussions about a fair and just settlement, then I will take him and his story seriously. Until then I will put his story in the same category as my milkman telling me that he will be pulling out the British troops from Iraq.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 02, 2007 12:18 am

zan wrote:Kiks! I did not want to mention it earlier but as you have pointed out VPs grammar.....What has happened to yours since your return. I remember perfect English without a single Americanism but now you sound more....well.....Greek. Errors in your story and in nearly all your posts. Do we now assume you are more than one person or are the GCs holding the real Kikapu in a secret jail and have sent a doppelganger.

I flatly deny arresting him at the airport and sending him to the dungeons of TP for a little personal make-over while logging on as Kikapu and posting all those crazy stories! :?

I want my lawyer! I know my rights!
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