Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Seeing you have referred ot me on a number of occassion where have I stated that you would have a bad time in the south? Generally GCs treat their money making tourists well, I wonder why? maybe its to do with the colour of their skin

Thanks for your comments VP. You might end up eating those comments though, regarding the money thing, on my last page yet to come.
Which comments? kindly reveal why it is you so hate people like me and continously attack anything remotely Turkish, made you have sold your sole no need to drag us with you, you can do what you want so allow us the same freedom.
What happened to your perfect English. That was the worse grammar I have ever seen you use.???
My "sole" is perfectly attached to my shoes thank you very much. Or did you mean what kind of fish I was having for dinner tonight.???
I will talk about corrupt "souls" later.
Oh, thanks for the welcome back also...I really do not deserve one, but I really appreciate it, only because you are a loving person.!!
Apologies for the bad grammer, it was written in a hurry but I feel you have got the gist of it. My welcoming you back would mean absoulutely nothing to you so why cry over something you care nothing about. You have shown your true colours and have sold your soul down the river to the GCs good luck to you but allow me the same choice to side with whom ever i wish otherwise you will yet again confirm what a hypocrite you really are. I still whether you are a TC probably a GC who know a little Turkish, even if you are not you are to me.
Nice try VP, to try and deflect attention from yourself.
I was perhaps the only person you had on your side, that there was only "one Viewpoint". Unless you want to tell us, that you were high on drugs or that you're an alcoholic, not even a 10 year old could have written in that bad grammar. So I'm on the wagon with the others, that you're a multiple persons, or worse, you're are "one", but you have multiple personalities.