zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:zan wrote:Your comments have always been about how bad the TRNC/KKTC is. You did not even visit the north to find out if your argument holds any water but two weeks as a tourist in the south and you are ready to sign on the dotted line.
I make comments on "TRNC/KKTC" based on what the Partitionist say. One day everything is rosey, and the next day, the RoC is strangling the TC's with embargoes. It is you guys, that can't get your stories correct. Don't blame me, for punching holes in your stories. Then again, when one does not tell the truth, they make their own holes. I just merely point them out, where the holes are.
Isn't it sad, that due to the occupation and an illegal formation state in the North called the "TRNC", I could not visit whole of my country, unless I laid down £4,000 UK Pounds. Why is it, that the RoC did not do the same.? Why am I considered a citizen of "TRNC", that I did not ask for, when I'm already citizen of Cyprus, and to abdicate my "TRNC" citizenship, I must first complete my Military Service and or pay the £4,000 Pounds. Sorry, but I'm not in the habit of endorsing illegal Highway Robbery.
Agian...You see what you want to see. We did not say that there are NO problems in the TRNC/KKTC but we argue against the lies that you seem to endorse without knowing what you are talking about. YES the embargoes are effecting our progress but NO we are not about to fall into the sea. The problem is that you guys want us to fall apart so that you can waltz in and pick up the pieces and it hurts you so much that Turkey is helping to keep us afloat.
As to the excuse you gave about why you did not visit the TRNC/KKTCIf you read the first two installments of your story, you will note that you paid great attention to creating the atmosphere of apprehension that we caused you to have because of what people like VP and me had already said. Did that apprehension stop you from visiting the south........NO! So why are you now whimpering about not being man enough to visit the north and put those ghosts to bed as well. There are many stories being banded around Kikapu. You have made your choice about which ones to believe and which ones not to believe with a little bit of bias to help with your lies. Why don't you tell the rest of the GCs that you looked over the wall and saw such depravity that it has given you nightmares.
When a De Facto state officials of the "TRNC" tell my brother, that if I enter the "TRNC", I could be forced to do a Military Service right there and then, held against my will, depending who is on duty at the "ASAL SUBE", it was an easy decision to make, as not to go there. When you and VP make comments regarding the RoC, all I have to do, is look at the source and the reasons, as to why. The worst that could have happened to me in the RoC, was to be humiliated by the GC's, because I'm a TC. I could have dealt with that, but to be kept against my will, was not a choice. I went trough that already, when I was 8 years old, in 1963.
Listen, when I come to the UK, I don't visit all of UK either. So don't take it as a rejection, by not visiting whole Cyprus.