free_cyprus wrote:LENA
if your offended then im sorry............. but i will give you this information that might be of little help to you and many in this forum and its called life begins ta forty and this is the philosophy of life begins at forty
from the time you are born till your twenty you develope your body
from twenty to forty you develope your mind
from forty to whatever time you have left in this world you dont give a shit what happens
and when you get to your forties you will look back and maybe just maybe you will remember some of these i have posted here and the you will say to yourself now i understand ....................but for now and today im sorry if i have offended you again
Free_cyprus...where did you get that I was offended...My dear...I am sorry if you misunderstood me but I dont get offended that easy.
By the way by body was already done before my 20..much much earlier than my 20...and I am still trying to find out if I have brain to develop...

kidding about the second part. Relax free_cyprus...we just talk...ok chatting with a coffee in your balcony next to the beach.