Get Real! wrote:karma wrote:turkish_cypriot wrote:They won't kill you, they're a bit like the GC's in here just a little bit more agressive (naturally being Turks

) as long as you agree with them you have nothing to worry about!
Ok , do i have to cover my hair to join the forum??
do I have to be virgin??
You're not a virgin?
I like the old story of the young couple on their wedding night.
After hitting the bed with sexual passion the young lad apologised --and said "if I'd known you were a virgin I would have taken it a bit slower" .
His newly wed wife replied " if I'd known you would have been in so much of a hurry I would have taken my tights off earlier"
Well I thought it was funny
Anyway Karma according to some interpretations of the Koran -- a Muslim woman is just a big vagina -- tempting unsuspecting men into evil -- that's why they want them to be covered