lupusdiavoli wrote:Kifeas,
I don' t actually remember begining my approach as you said.
lupusdiavoli wrote:You do have a problem on the issue of morals. You do perceive politics are connected with ethics. It is your problem to solve it. The rest of the world -meaning the serius states- sovled it long ago.
lupusdiavoli wrote:The jock is that you are not really the obstacle of EU given the last developements.
lupusdiavoli wrote:Μην αγοράσεις κανένα προιόν σκέψης μου. Γνωρίζω πράγματι τόσο λίγα. Μόνο που τα ολίγα τούτα είναι πλείονα των δικών σου.
lupusdiavoli wrote:Ι told you not to buy. So don' t get upset. We cannot find a common ground? That' s fine. You disagree with me? That's fine too. We contemplate things in a different way hence the incompatibility. Keep your conclusions if they fit you.
Gnoseology is interesting but not actually of the present. I have no strong desire to follow such circle of arguments.
Nevertheless χάριν της φιλομαθείας σου allow me to point out that «ΧΕΙΡΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΑΜΑΘΟΥΣ, ΗΜΙΜΑΘΕΙΣ ΕΣΤΙΝ!» ... Αφής αναφέρεσαι σε ενικό υποκείμενο "του αμαθούς" δέον να διατηρήσεις τον ενικό στην συνέχεια δηλαδή, "ημιμαθ-ή-ς έστιν". Αλλιώς προτιμότερο να αποτύπωνες το ρήμα στην πτώση του πληθυντικού προκειμένου να συμφωνεί.
Sorry, such things make you sick! Anyway such syntactical errors are quite common for ...........
Yes we do need to rely on history to solve this. A useful example would be the pro modern period of Europe up to the WW II which –the latter- decisively put an end to the strategic pendency (??? Do you mean to say tendency, pending, or dependency?) in Europe. Ironically the result was not in the favour of those powers dominating for years the conflict pendulum ie. GB, France, Germany. France and Germany became allies not because of the civilized way but because they simply have nothing to gain from each other. The trophy went to USA. But on a local level as the one between Turkey and Greece thing are otherwise.
It is a different story when the subjects are states and their interests. There is no honor there.
Your culture has never let you understand the need for compromise? I should say the way some like to interpretate (I suppose you want to say interpret) it. It is not brave to reach solutions through compromises. It is simply the reality when you are on the weak side. What is brave is to admit this as a fact instead of high hopes.
I have no desire at all to see Turkey becoming a EU member. Hypocric(s)y on the other hand is the attitude of EU officials who supposively (supposedly …I suppose) like to see that in the future, the same goes for your side in the sense that the majority doesn't really accept Turkey being "European" but for obvious reasons of tactics such policy was employed . One based on the high hope to see Turkey civilised through the process. I found it mos(t) amusing to be honest.
I have no desire to make you believe that I know much. My self-image has no need for that. Call it self-confidence.
You do have a problem on the issue of morals. You do perceive politics are connected with ethics. It is your problem to solve it. The rest of the world -meaning the seri(o)us states- sovl(lv)ed it long ago.
The jock is that you are not really the obstacle of EU given the last develop(-e)ments. There are other problems related to the problems EU itself and its lost -for the time being- focus on what kind of Union shall become, if ever... For the moment is just a version of economic entity with no force, no teeth, following US and crying from time to time for harmonisation and the rest. Harmonisation exists but on a financial level in favour of the great economic company-structures. This is the real motivating value and not your human rights.
Birkibrisli wrote:Lupusdiavoli and Kifeas...
You are beginning to sound like members of a secret society who know things the rest of us cannot possible have access to...
Do you mind sharing the Greek bits with those of us who cannot read it,so we can all be suitably enlightened or impressed...???
zan wrote:free_cyprus wrote:turkish speaking and greek speaking people of cyprus are to bleme to we must take some of the resposibility for becoming agents of turkey and greece.................... not only that we signed away any rights as cypriots when they agreed to the zurich agreement in 1959........................cyprus was devided then not in 1974 but many people in here think it was the greek junta that gave turkey the excuse its rubbish they all worked together to ahcieve the end result and they done it..................... four members of nato turkey, greece, britain , and america...........all to their own advantage
This is the one thing that I think we have all agreed on and you keep going on about it over and over again. I am not having a go at you and have resisted the urge to comment but you are like a dog that keeps nipping at our heels.
lupusdiavoli wrote:Birkibrisli,
OK. You are right.
Kifeas. You are so vexed "brother" and we are about to lose focus of the issue in that way. I accept the fact that you dislike me, to say the least. I don't have the same feelings against you. We have a pure disagreement. You made yourself clear that you have no intention to "bend". Fine. Do as you like and pay the cost. Time will verify the correctness of the arguments set forth.
Kifeas wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Lupusdiavoli and Kifeas...
You are beginning to sound like members of a secret society who know things the rest of us cannot possible have access to...
Do you mind sharing the Greek bits with those of us who cannot read it,so we can all be suitably enlightened or impressed...???
Sorry Brother, but that is how the Delphi oracles used to speak in ancient Greece!
You need to know how to interpret them (…the oracles!)
There are two roads, most distant from each other: the one leading to the honorable house of freedom, the other the house of slavery, which mortals must shun. It is possible to travel the one through manliness and lovely accord; so lead your people to this path. The other they reach through hateful strife and cowardly destruction; so shun it most of all
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