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The partition poll

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Would you accept partition with 82% GC state and 18% TC state?

(GC) No. I only accept Cyprus to be a single state and I will wait as long as it takes
(GC) No. I prefer the status quo
No votes
(GC) No. We can achieve a European solution soon
(GC) Yes
(TC) No. I only accept Cyprus to be a single state
(TC) No. I accept only if TC state is 25% or more
No votes
(TC) No. I accept only if TC state is 29% or more
(TC) No. I accept only if TC state is 36% or more
(TC) No. I prefer the status quo
(TC) Yes
No votes
Total votes : 28

Postby Kifeas » Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:29 pm

LENA wrote:
lupusdiavoli wrote:Ah, I have never admitted that I am a Turk. The assumption is yours once again from "...accepting a Turk to correct your Greeks is out of the question..." Just wanted to explain your linguistic "patriotsm". I was wrong. I shouldn' t expect much from a "Greek speaking". You should have to be a Greek to understand the proper syntax or being taught Greek in a proper manner instead of quoting around.

Sorry to interfere ...I really enjoy your arguments and your Greek and English lessons...but I have a simple question to you lupusdiavoli. Will you be kind enough to answer me please?

What exactly are you? Are you Greek speaking from Greece?

You did enjoy what? ...Aluposdiavolos arguments and Greek and English lessons?? Where did you see all these that no one else outside Bananiot has managed to see? Are you sure you are in the right forum?
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:36 pm

LENA you are not allowed to enjoy anything you like! You have to ask permission from this good ss officer first.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:36 pm

Bananiot wrote:Surely you can do better than the above! Hitler won the elections with an impressive majority in the early 30's of the 20th century, yet I hate to imagine what you would have done to the sorry minority had you been a nazi in those days. Of course since the majority is by definition correct in all its judgements, you would have made a good ss Kifeas. Unlucky you were born in the wrong country at the wrong time.

Of course you lost the elections fairly and squarely in purely democratic elections! If you check Cyprus' democratic and freedom of expression UN ratings, you will discover that not only you lost the elections in a country that no where near Nazi Germany would have been found on these ratings, but in a country placed at an envious higher position than most of your beloved Anglo-Saxon nation states!
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Postby lupusdiavoli » Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:06 pm


Is my origin really of the essence? I don’ t think so. It is the argument and the way of thinking that really count instead of the preconception founded on the identity issue.

So do not see that I decline to answer having in mind that adding a non necessary element in a discussion which already suffers of “who is who or what” is a sort of redundancy.

Babaniot already realized that. Kifeas thinks otherwise. I could say that apprehension differs.

Tell me Kifeas in case I have no purpose and you have who is in a better position?
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Postby zan » Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:22 pm

Kifeas wrote:
zan wrote:I am glad to see that you have not just concentrated on the physical side of your body Kifeas by your visits to the gym but have been practicing your English as well. Shame the content is still bullshit but eloquently written.
I wouldn't have expected anyone with your low IQ to have come up with anything better than just the above!

Years in this forum, Zan, and I have yet to read anything meaningful and intelligent out of all of your posts!

Textbook Kifeas :roll: If it don't agree with you then bring the IQ police. I have told you before that my 14-year-old son has an IQ of 160, the maximum allowed for his age. He is a fully paid up member of Mensa and I have to go to him for complicated math problems but he still has a long long way to go before he can fully understand the world and put two and two together in those terms. You are just the same in that, and I have no idea what score you might think you have in the IQ test, in that you cannot see further than your wants. You cannot follow the chain of events that lead us to the point we are at and make sense of how to go forward from here. I suppose it’s a sort of autism.
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Postby LENA » Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:57 pm

Sorry about the delay I had guest…

Bananiot wrote:What difference does it make LENA? He is a citizen of planet earth. You and anyone else can criticise his views independent of where he comes from.

Bananiot…I didn’t criticise him as you said…did you see anywhere in my post saying anything about him? It was just a question…why does a simple question like that made you angry? I never judge people from what they, from which nation they come from and what label others put them. It was just a siple question because he said that “he didn’t expect much from a “Greek speaking” because he is not Greek…that bother me and made me wonder what he is…I know that he is citizen of the planet earth because if he was alien he was going to do something more interesting than posting in this forum…:) taking pictures may be…:lol:

Kifeas wrote:
LENA wrote:
lupusdiavoli wrote:Ah, I have never admitted that I am a Turk. The assumption is yours once again from "...accepting a Turk to correct your Greeks is out of the question..." Just wanted to explain your linguistic "patriotsm". I was wrong. I shouldn' t expect much from a "Greek speaking". You should have to be a Greek to understand the proper syntax or being taught Greek in a proper manner instead of quoting around.

Sorry to interfere ...I really enjoy your arguments and your Greek and English lessons...but I have a simple question to you lupusdiavoli. Will you be kind enough to answer me please?

What exactly are you? Are you Greek speaking from Greece?

You did enjoy what? ...Aluposdiavolos arguments and Greek and English lessons?? Where did you see all these that no one else outside Bananiot has managed to see? Are you sure you are in the right forum?

The “enjoy” was a bit sarcastic my dear…will you relax a bit…I enjoy your conversation…I didn’t say that I agree with him or you…I made a question…why my question upset all of you?? See what that Bananiot saw? And yes I am in the right forum…what made you thing that I am not? And who made you the right person to tell me if I am in the right forum or not? You don’t know me. Don’t you think you overestimate your self by thinking that you know everything? You earn a bit of my respect with your post…I am not saying that I completely agree with you but you have to calm down a bit…nobody is fighting here…

Bananiot wrote:LENA you are not allowed to enjoy anything you like! You have to ask permission from this good ss officer first.

I never ask permission to do something in my life or enjoy things in my life from none of you …and especially from Kifeas.

lupusdiavoli wrote:LENA,

Is my origin really of the essence? I don’ t think so. It is the argument and the way of thinking that really count instead of the preconception founded on the identity issue.

So do not see that I decline to answer having in mind that adding a non necessary element in a discussion which already suffers of “who is who or what” is a sort of redundancy.

Babaniot already realized that. Kifeas thinks otherwise. I could say that apprehension differs.

Tell me Kifeas in case I have no purpose and you have who is in a better position?

Lupusdiavoli I agree with you that the argument and the way of thinking that matters and not what your ID say. I agree that my question didn’t have anything to add in the conversation but as I said above you said that the Greek speaking Cypriot don’t know our language as good as the Greeks knows. Well that bothered me a bit to be honest. And I don’t agree that because you might not be Cypriot you don’t belong here. But as Greek you are not superior fro any of us…as Bananiot said we are all citizens of the same planet…we are all human beings and equal…! Now you got my point?

As for my question, as I said to another threat, I didn’t ask that because I wanted to judge you or put you in a category...but I learn that people are not who they want to show or who they say they are...I want to learn things about the people that I am talking to, or I am reading their posts…so I can realise their way of thinking...I learn to wait until I earn the respect from others until they meet me and talk to me to see how I am thinking and not how I look like and I learn to wait and see if people that I am talking to they can earn my respect. That’s why I made that question. Different background, different stories in life sometimes affect are judgment and our thoughts.... I learn not to judge people from what nation they come from or what label they‘ve got...I want to judge them by my create my own opinion, but where people come from sometimes make you realise their thoughts. Sorry if you was offended by my question.
Last edited by LENA on Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:08 pm

LENA, you can criticise me any time. The word "criticism" is not a swear word.
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Postby LENA » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:23 pm

Bananiot wrote:LENA, you can criticise me any time. The word "criticism" is not a swear word.

I know that is not a swear word but I dont like it...judge and criticise are words that I avoid...I prefer discuss, give arguments, make suggestions etc. Bananiot I am from this planet as well...I am love photographs but I am citizen of the earth. :lol:

And believe me if I see something that really annoys me from your posts I will discuss it with you with my arguments!! :lol: :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:40 pm

What on earth are you people driveling on about in here?

Try watching the grass grow or something... :lol:
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Postby lupusdiavoli » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:58 pm

By all means Lena your initial position and the rest did not offend me. On my turn I explain my dialectic approach, which was fully understood by you.

I can see why my reference bothered you somehow. Kifeas defined previously himself as greek-speaking. A definition I cannot conceive. The comment in this sense had nothing to do with any comparison of purity and the same. If you follow my sentence you can see that I also said “.being taught Greek in a proper manner instead of quoting around…” The latter encompass anyone and has nothing to do with origin.

Scientifically speaking you cannot determine people based solely on their language. This category used by some here is purely artificial. Let’s take the example of Cyprus. There are Turks and Greeks and some minorities. Definitions are of the essence.
Geographically speaking they are Cypriots.
Legally speaking there are those of TRNC and those of the Republic of Cyprus.
From a national point of view you have Turks, Greeks and the rest.

From there and on anybody can decide by himself which category is the most important to him. It is clearly a matter of consciousness, self-understanding, educational background, knowledge, culture. You may even have someone who knows nothing of a certain language and identifies himself with another state, region or nation.

You added that we are all human beings and equal. That we are all humans is fine. On what base we are all equal? By nature? Legally speaking? In terms of social theory?
Everyday life proves otherwise. You can find everywhere hierarchy, classes, levels, positions etc.

The issue of equality arose from some streams of Ethics. Later it was received by religion and then regulated by law. Whatever the case may be there is a regulator. The philosopher, the priest, the legislator. What is my point? What is being regulated does not exist by nature. In philosophical terms it doesn’ t have a life of its own. Hence humans are not equal by nature. Equality comes to be an issue of bargain, balance of power, strength, class rate and goes on. It is a desire, a declaration which sounds nice to ears. Reality shows otherwise.

It is a hard thing to judge by yourself and not quoting others. Kifeas has no original thought of his own. This I know it will make him mad. But his views sound common, you can easily find them in the daily newspaper or in words of politicians.
What Kifeas fails to see is the reality of politics. My single argument was that foreign affairs, the relations among different states have nothing to do with ethics. History of thousand of years proves this. In every period of time. Provided you read history in cold blood manner independently of preconceptions, origin, taste, desire, ethics and so on.

Lastly Babaniot proves me right. We could become friends or at least two humans talking eachother. The solid ground is that of reason. You don' t have to agree with the other. This doesn't lead to a point that you would like -as Kifeas- to extinguish the alternative opinion. It would become such a boring world to be. The issue from the start was one of theorytical approach. Kifeas made it personal. For me remains strictly on a theoretical level. That I find amusing joshing around it is just a matter of taste and temperament.
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