BOF wrote:LENA wrote:miltiades wrote:Is it true that women prefer older men for their wisdom , passion , athletic performances , money ? and the fact that an older man is likely to fall asleep while they are busy removing their make up. Just wonder !
When I say "older men " I do not mean ancient 60 ( will be 61 in may ) year olds like me.
Well you are right Miltiade mou...but you have the wrong reason...and to be honest from woman to another woman the reasons varies. But yes is true. But we are talking about older men not ancient as you said!!
Lena darling - age is not a constraint if he opens doors for you, if he makes you laugh, takes you to nice restaurants, sends you flowers and respects you....the finest wines are always old ones.
My wife says she loves me because everytime i throw back the bedcovers in the morning it makes her laugh !!!!!

My dear BOF...I know what you exactly what I said...
some women prefer older men for the sexual experience
some women prefer older men for their manners (open the door, pull the chair to sit, stand up when they want to leave the table etc)
some women prefer older men for the money
some women prefer older men because they are settle down (job, house, they had the crazy life style already and they want more quite life)
some women prefer older men because they respect women more than the younger’s and they even help them with house works
some women prefer older men because they don’t care about being top model they just want other stuff
some women prefer older men because they are more mature and they can talk with them about more serious subjects
some women prefer older men because they make them laugh with different kind of humour
some women prefer older men because they will teach them things (in love, for life, knowledge, share stories…etc)
Do you want me to go on? I agree about the wine part!!!!