karma wrote:since Makarios was a priest then plz dont expect him to be pure and good person...
why on earth a priest shld involve politics..isnt it a shame?? it is not heir business at all..
i hate all imams and priests
Hey Karma, I think it's a shame that you hate all Priests and Imams, sure some can be very narrow minded, but you do get your good ones...

I know there's a saying in the Orthodox Church that states that 'you should do what a priest preaches not what a priest does', after all they are human. I agree that a priest shouldn’t really have become president, but throughout the Ottoman years, the priests became in essence the 'leaders'. They were educated and very spiritual, so people respected them and trusted them, and as the Greek Cypriots (This also happened in Greece I believe) didn't rule themselves the priests became almost like unofficial political community leaders, and I believe the Ottoman authorities treated them as such, and I guess that tradition just carried on...
(I know I say this a lot, but please do correct me if I'm wrong, I know the story kind of goes along those lines, but I’m sure I’ve made a mistake somewhere..