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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Natty » Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:53 am

karma wrote:since Makarios was a priest then plz dont expect him to be pure and good person...
why on earth a priest shld involve politics..isnt it a shame?? it is not heir business at all..
i hate all imams and priests

Hey Karma, I think it's a shame that you hate all Priests and Imams, sure some can be very narrow minded, but you do get your good ones...;)

I know there's a saying in the Orthodox Church that states that 'you should do what a priest preaches not what a priest does', after all they are human. I agree that a priest shouldn’t really have become president, but throughout the Ottoman years, the priests became in essence the 'leaders'. They were educated and very spiritual, so people respected them and trusted them, and as the Greek Cypriots (This also happened in Greece I believe) didn't rule themselves the priests became almost like unofficial political community leaders, and I believe the Ottoman authorities treated them as such, and I guess that tradition just carried on...

(I know I say this a lot, but please do correct me if I'm wrong, I know the story kind of goes along those lines, but I’m sure I’ve made a mistake somewhere.. :oops: )
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:58 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:
Natty wrote:Hi Turkish Cypriot, those pictures are very sad..:(

Horrible crimes were indeed committed against innocent Turkish Cypriots, the events in Tochni and other Turkish Cypriot villages for example (Only the other day my Grandmother was saying how her father was in tears after he heard what happened in the village of Aloa and others nearby. He was friends with many of the people who lived in those villages, and he couldn't believe that anybody could do such a thing a thing, especially to innocent women and children...). No one is denying that massacres of Turkish Cypriots happened, and that those people that committed those crimes were criminals through and through, but what angers people is when a one sided and many times over exaggerated (The claims of a genocide for example) are put forward as the only fact of the Cyprus problem, when evidence shows otherwise...It doesn't really honour all the others who suffered, the Greek Cypriots, the Armenian Cypriots, the Maronite Cypriots, the Latin Cypriots, etc...

The Cyprus problem is so complicated, it doesn't just involve us Cypriots, but also Turkey, The Junta, England, America, the UN...I don't think anyone will ever know the full truth behind it, but one way of trying to understand it is to stick to ‘hard facts’ as much as possible, and try and look at the whole picture….

Good post Natty! I undestand completely where you're coming from there and the reasoning behind it. It's always the ladies who make sense in here! :D

Ignorance is bliss for the ladies and for T_C... :(

Congratulations T_C you've added your bit of garbage in the pile of TC propaganda, as if we didn't have enough of that already and Nutty the ignorant fell right for it.

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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:58 am

It's of no use snake because no matter what I say you won't believe it and you'll find something to dismiss it.

I don't believe them easily no, but when it's my own people that have suffered I tend to trust them, specially when my sources come from my family members who experienced life in those times. Just like you believe what your people say, I believe mine.

Am i supposed to believe every piece of Turkish rhetoric?? The amount of Turkish lies about the Cyprus problem which have been proven to be false is almost countless. Check that pic of the ATCA march I posted in another thread - there is some pic of a kid holding a placard saying 'Greek Cypriots murdered 12,000 between 1955 and 1974'. We all know thats a lie - but this kid has been lied to just like you probably have by Turkish friends and family...and its not an isolated incident because even in this thread we have sussed that the supposed pic of Makarios blessing a grenade is bullshit...and thats in one internet forum thread alone. I have read countless of other threads where Turkish propaganda has been proven to be lies with no explanation from Turks....only to see the same lies pop up again at a later time!

Just like you believe what your people say, I believe mine.

I beleive in credible proof. My parents never talk about the Cyprus invasion - they were in the UK at the time..but thats not to say it hasntdirectly affected us. My source of information comes from credible information from neutral parties - its a shame Turks dont read and believe the same.

I can respect and take on board your views but most GCs can't seem to do the same.

Most Greek Cypriots here have heard the same old bullshit and wont stand for blatent lies made up to legitimise the crimes commited by Turkey. Those same Greek Cypriots also admit that their community wasnt innocent - its a shame your community doesnt do the same.

To you our story is propaganda and to us yours is. All we're doing is going round in circles so I have to say it was pointless opening this thread...

Try using some intelligence and common sense - that way we may avoid the propaganda.
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Postby T_C » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:02 am

Well am i supposed to believe every piece of Greek rhetoric?? The amount of Greek lies about the Cyprus problem including the ones of your president Tpapasmokealottadope who said NOT ONE Turkish Cypriot was killed!!! :lol: Come on now man, this thing works both ways.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:05 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Trousersnake talks about propaganda! :roll:
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:05 am

Well am i supposed to believe every piece of Greek rhetoric?? The amount of Greek lies about the Cyprus problem including the ones of your president Tpapasmokealottadope who said NOT ONE Turkish Cypriot was killed!!! Come on now man, this thing works both ways.

Even THAT article has been discussed to death. There is no proof that such a tiny insignificant internet article was taken out of context or what! Again, you scramble for crumbs to push your propaganda line. Infact, I have seen several articles where Papadopolous says that not every Grek Cypriot was innocent - excuse me if I didn save it in my favourites folder for propaganda uses like the Turks do!

...also, you tell me the lies Greek Cypriots come out about the Cyprus problem! Prove they are lies - or is this a lame attempt to answer my post??
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:07 am

Trousersnake talks about propaganda!

Yes motherfucker - im sure you know what it is.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:08 am

yeah your mamma thought me!
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Postby karma » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:09 am

oh guysss please, I know both Greece and Turkey better than any1...
I said this many times before
the greek orthodox church = the turkish army
so nothing else need to be said
I already have 2 litres of red wine and listening to Bob Marley..
and yes I hate all priests and imams coz all of them are hypocrites..
is that okey with the forum members??
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Postby T_C » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:11 am

Oh gosh karma is drunk! BEWARE! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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