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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby askimwos » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:31 am

turkish_cypriot wrote:Your question was answered already by zan a few pages back.

They were foolish enough when they didn't think of the concequences of the coup, do you think they would of been so stupid as to kill the hostages that Turkey was there for?

You're no fun, I thought you would of been a better debater, instead you're asking questions my 10 year old cousin would be able to answer :(

Our C-F veteran GCs: Piratis, pits, Pyro and a few others would do a much better job at countering these things :lol:

You my enemy are a bloody amateur, everything you say comes out of your pre-set hate for Turks where you think in a completely biased manner without thinking of the obvious.... :roll:

Turkish Cypriot, by now I expected you to realise that the great, great majority of the GCs were against the coup and actually fought to counter it. What some TCs have been told to ignore is that the coup was committed by some extremist elements with the help of the Athens Junta and the blessing of the US. The coup was directed against all Cypriots and not just the TCs. In fact it was only GCs that fought against it and in many cases died in doing so.

Also you completely choose to disregard the fact that the government forces also fought against the Eoka B paramilitaries during the period 1963-74 - you posted pictures of seazed guns and explosive yourself.

I have also notice another misconception the TCs have. That is that the TMT paramilitary were just defending and not attacking as you say. Well this is not true as the great majority of GCs killed during that period were unarmed civilians that had nothing to do with the intercommunal fight.
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:53 am

Nikephoros wrote:Just because you and the other Turkish Cypriots think you can do whatever you want with the words genocide does not mean you know anything.

When Turkey invaded the National Guard and Greek Cypriots never knew their plans. They never knew the USA agreed to contain Turkey to 1/3 of the island which is confirmed on pages 434-5 of Τα μυστικά αρχεία του Κίσιντζερ Η απόφαση για τη διχοτόμηση. So as far as they knew they had nothing to lose by doing what they wanted with the captured Turkish Cypriots.

You have no idea of how history is determined by real historians. You posted a lame few newspaper articles that never proved a genocide, now you and the Turkish lamer brigade are in retreat from your past lies since you know they are untenable.

Sorry! I really have not got time to answer many of the so called questions here this morning but this one is worth being a little late for. You have discredited your self too many times Nikephoros to be taken seriously at all. Your comments above are so funny and total proof that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about as well as being totally misinformed.

My point was that the GCs would not have killed the TCs they captured because the Turks were on the island and were advancing and you use the fact that the GCs did not know that the USA had limited the Turks to 1/3 of the island. I think most people here would have put two and two together and said that those two factors back up what I was saying and the bullet is well and truly imbedded it self in your foot. I realise that I am writing this in an adult fashion and can be seen to be somewhat cryptic but if you are to be elevated from your rookie status in he art of discussion, I believe the deep end is where you have to be. Ask a grown up to help you if need be.
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:01 am

Come Nikophoros my friend, i shall teach you the secrets of the art of debating, without making a complete dick of yourself!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby askimwos » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:12 am

zan wrote:My point was that the GCs would not have killed the TCs they captured because the Turks were on the island and were advancing and you use the fact that the GCs did not know that the USA had limited the Turks to 1/3 of the island. I think most people here would have put two and two together and said that those two factors back up what I was saying and the bullet is well and truly imbedded it self in your foot. I realise that I am writing this in an adult fashion and can be seen to be somewhat cryptic but if you are to be elevated from your rookie status in he art of discussion, I believe the deep end is where you have to be. Ask a grown up to help you if need be.

This explanation indicates that you are not as wise as you claim to be zan. Maybe you are yourself a rookie in some areas since you allow yourself to blindly adopt the Dektash like propaganda.
TCs were rounded up before during the 1963-67 period and nobody touched them. Remember the discussion we had about Tasos Markou and how he acted when the TCs from Kaimakli were rounded up by the presidential guard? According to your logic the GCs should have killed all those people since the Turkish troops were not anywhere on the island at the time.

I believe it is time to stop contradicting yourself Zan and take some notice of what I have posted earlier.

askimwos wrote:Turkish Cypriot, by now I expected you to realise that the great, great majority of the GCs were against the coup and actually fought to counter it. What some TCs have been told to ignore is that the coup was committed by some extremist elements with the help of the Athens Junta and the blessing of the US. The coup was directed against all Cypriots and not just the TCs. In fact it was only GCs that fought against it and in many cases died in doing so.

Also you completely choose to disregard the fact that the government forces also fought against the Eoka B paramilitaries during the period 1963-74 - you posted pictures of seazed guns and explosive yourself.

I have also notice another misconception the TCs have. That is that the TMT paramilitary were just defending and not attacking as you say. Well this is not true as the great majority of GCs killed during that period were unarmed civilians that had nothing to do with the intercommunal fight.
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Postby T_C » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:30 pm

askimwos wrote:Turkish Cypriot, by now I expected you to realise that the great, great majority of the GCs were against the coup and actually fought to counter it. What some TCs have been told to ignore is that the coup was committed by some extremist elements with the help of the Athens Junta and the blessing of the US. The coup was directed against all Cypriots and not just the TCs. In fact it was only GCs that fought against it and in many cases died in doing so.

Also you completely choose to disregard the fact that the government forces also fought against the Eoka B paramilitaries during the period 1963-74 - you posted pictures of seazed guns and explosive yourself.

I have also notice another misconception the TCs have. That is that the TMT paramilitary were just defending and not attacking as you say. Well this is not true as the great majority of GCs killed during that period were unarmed civilians that had nothing to do with the intercommunal fight.

With all due respect askimwos I don't doubt that a lot of GCs were against the coup and nor am I blaming the general GC public. I understand that not just the coup but everything was done by extremists (including Turkish Cypriot ones), what a lot of you disregard though is that our President at the time Makarios was one of these extremists!

Ofcourse they didn't kill everyone but remember the UN and world media was also on the island. They wasn't stupid askimwos. Makarios was well known for being sly and a snakey character, theres loads of newspaper cuttings of articles and cartoons depicting him as such including a charicature of him reading the ten commandments and calling it "propaganda"!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

What does it tell you when a president is involved in these attrocities? A "diluted" half fascist president who in 74 is kicked out of presidency because he isn't doing enough for Enosis and replaced by a completely stupid fascist?

I'm sure majority of the GCs opposed such actions (then and now), at the same time it didn't matter what the public thought or wanted back then just as it doesn't matter what they want now. It's the governments who decide the fate of the people and theres no denying that the government at the time was conspiring against the Turkish Cypriots.
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:41 pm

Sorry TC your making an arse out of yourself and towing the usual Turkish Cypriot rhetoric.

With all due respect askimwos I don't doubt that a lot of GCs were against the coup and nor am I blaming the general GC public. I understand that not just the coup but everything was done by extremists (including Turkish Cypriot ones), what a lot of you disregard though is that our President at the time Makarios was one of these extremists!

Makarios was against the coup and made himself an enemy of the US by threatning to turn Cyprus into the Cuba of the Med. He was heavily embracing socialism and was against Enosis by the late 1960's/early 70's. The Greek Junta, who backed EOKA B, was backed by the CIA, hence EOKA B trying to assasinate Makarios.

As for believing newspaper articles - either you are completely ignorant and believe the stuff in the The Sun, The Daily Mail and other English newspapers about leaders who oppose the British - or you acting the fool for the sake of Turkish propaganda.

Why is it that most Turkish Cypriots will make the dumbest arguments with little credible proof for the sake of aboloshing human rights in Cyprus ???
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:15 pm

Turkish_Cypriot you have recently gotten more involved in Cyprus politics but after reading 3-4 of your “political” posts I’m afraid you’ve taken a downward spiral even faster than that of Shah! It’s obvious you know NOTHING about Makarios judging from your posts and you definitely must do some reading on the subject.

In another thread you posted a fuzzy picture of Makarios supposedly “blessing” a hand grenade and you did not even bother to zoom in on this picture to see that what that man is holding is a small plate containing a flat object... most likely unleavened bread or something like that. The bulky portion just above the plate is part of Makario’s pendant and not part of a hand grenade.

For your sake stop posting, go study, and come back for debate when you’re ready.
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:22 pm

Get Real! wrote:Turkish_Cypriot you have recently gotten more involved in Cyprus politics but after reading 3-4 of your “political” posts I’m afraid you’ve taken a downward spiral even faster than that of Shah! It’s obvious you know NOTHING about Makarios judging from your posts and you definitely must do some reading on the subject.

In another thread you posted a fuzzy picture of Makarios supposedly “blessing” a hand grenade and you did not even bother to zoom in on this picture to see that what that man is holding is a small plate containing a flat object... most likely unleavened bread or something like that. The bulky portion just above the plate is part of Makario’s pendant and not part of a hand grenade.

For your sake stop posting, go study, and come back for debate when you’re ready.

So says, the Fascist Evolutionist who believes the GCs have a natural right on the island which would help them prevail over any other ethnicity! :roll:

Shall i quote your best work so far? :lol: :lol:

I am far from over on taking you seriously GR!, you are merely entertaining....
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Postby T_C » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:35 pm


Yeah well I've never claimed to know everything, quite the opposite actually :?...and yeah maybe it was something other than a grenade. But there are loads more pictures like this with Makarios doing VERY dodgy things. The picture with the people shooting for instace. I suppose you're going to tell me they were hunting for food :roll:.

Sorry but I don't understand why people have gotten so defensive over a few pictures :?: Why is it such a problem to question something? I like to think I'm not biased (most of the time anyways), sometimes I post anti-TRNC things (such as the TRNC flag thread, and the one about inclusion to RoC as opposed to exclusion) and sometimes anti-RoC (such as this).

I don't get the TC's trying to put me down when I say something against their beliefs though. And I know enough about Makarios to know what he said and what he did are 2 different things. :wink:

But yeah I agree I don't know a lot of things concering the history, I keep meaning to read the CypConflict website but can never be bothered since it goes on forever...after your criticism I just might Image
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:31 pm

Well truth hurts gardaccim, why else would they get so touchy about Fuckarios....:roll:
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