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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby askimwos » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:21 pm

Could people please stop paying attention to what Nikiforos says? He is obviously a nationalist anti-left that really knows nothing about the history of the CyProb.

T_C some of the pictures you posted actually go against what you actually wanted to show. Especially the last 4 pictures are pictures of explosives and guns that were seazed by the RoC government forces. Those guns were illegally imported by the likes of Eoka B that the government forces were fighting against. In fact the last pictures clearly indicates that...on the wooden case it writes "Printing materials, Mahi newspaper" - Mahi newspaper was the paper owned by Sampson himself.

Also TCs need to realise that at the time the RoC forces were fighting against anything considered extremists and paramilitary. The same way that some TC enclaves were attacked by the Presidential guard because TMT paramilitaries were firing at whatever moved on the nearby roads, Eoka B paramilitaries were also attacked.

Now whether this was the right policy by the RoC government is a thing for people to judge.
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:29 pm

Oh plz Piratis, you are the master of the copy/paste strategy, don't blame others for having all the answers and appendixes ready at hand for a swift imminent propaganda attack on the unsuspecting :lol:

Plus numbers don't matter because its all equally evil, but since you have lost the war, a higher number of casualties is expected don't you think?
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Postby T_C » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:30 pm

Piratis I saved those pictures when I 1st joined this forum because 1) I'd never seen them before 2)I thought I'd need to use them. Well I didn't use most of them untill now but that Nikephoros got on my nerves..I don't think they're propaganda as such since it's not like they're fakes made to make the GCs look bad...You're right though a PM would of been better :oops: Sorry if I upset anyone with the pictures!

But will you please send me a link to a GC website about the Turkish attrocities because I haven't seen any sites from the GC perspective. Thanks
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:42 pm

Yeah, especially the one about Denktas watching GC children die, im curious :roll:
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Postby zan » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:45 pm

Piratis wrote:t_c, Do you want me to post a picture of Denctash next to somebody holding a gun with a title like: "Denctash watching the execution of 100 Greek Cypriot children"

Come on! Nobody can deny that some 100s TCs and several 1000s GCs were butchered, but there is no need for this crap.

Zan, now that you said about those 200, do you want me to tell you about the 10s of thousands of GCs that you butchered as recently as 1974 (but not only), or only you can "play the record" of your lame excuses for the crimes you insist on committing today?

I would like to see that picture Piratis.

After years of killing TCs and the final attack on two villages a real war starts in 1974 and you try to hide behind this one event. Sad person that you are.
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:46 pm

i cannot make a comment on the pictures becouse on the grounds i might get booted out of the forum again............... the pictures are not the problem in this post many people of cyprus died as a result of betrayals in cyprus............... but if i say our own people betrayed us and our own people of cyprus comited crimes against our own people with the help of turkey greece and britain i get called all kinds of names and i get told i dont know what im talking about .......................... i want to ask a sinlge question directly to you turkish_cypriot what is the purpose of this post you have put here with those pictures ................... its a simple question can you give me a simple answer please..............
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Re: Nikephoros

Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:54 pm

turkish_cypriot wrote:Makarios "blessing" a hand grenade

Actually that's your brain cells he's trying to bless there but he needs a magnifying glass!
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:59 pm

awww are you defending fuckarios there? is reality making you uncomfy?
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Postby Piratis » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:05 am

shahmaran, I rarely copy/paste, and when I do I never do it from Greek or Greek Cypriot propaganda websites but from websites of the UN, foreign governments etc.

Piratis I saved those pictures when I 1st joined this forum because 1) I'd never seen them before 2)I thought I'd need to use them. Well I didn't use most of them untill now but that Nikephoros got on my nerves..I don't think they're propaganda as such since it's not like they're fakes made to make the GCs look bad...You're right though a PM would of been better Embarassed Sorry if I upset anyone with the pictures!

But will you please send me a link to a GC website about the Turkish attrocities because I haven't seen any sites from the GC perspective. Thanks

turkish_cypriot, I occasionally come across such websites but I never bookmark them or keep truck of them. Maybe you could ask Nikiforos to give you some, but you should know that what you would be reading would not be the perspective of the great majority of Greek Cypriots.

Also you should keep in mind, that while GCs were indeed educated to oppose the Turkish army and the occupation, that since our official policy since 1974 was for reunification and to live again together with TCs the production of such material was not encouraged. On the other hand, since the official Turkish policy was that the two communities can not live together again and a separation was necessary (in one way or another), they needed to produce as much "proof" as possible to support this argument. This is why you will see lists with the name, a photo and maybe a story for every single TC that was killed in 100 different websites. On the other hand while we also have lists of our dead and missing, you will not see them published all over the internet, at least personally I very rarely fall on such websites.
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Postby zan » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:15 am

Go on......try a little harder Piratis. :twisted:
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