What is the latest info any of you have re when this hotel is due to open ? - The official hotel website says 15th July, but then Ive heard 22nd July ? - Thompsons are usless in giving out any up-to-date info.
We had to pay £620 out of our own money

to move to another hotel, as we were due to be there on 21st July & I had no faith of the place being ready for us going with 2 young disabled children. As Thompsons or no-one would move us foc even with lots of evidence/photos, for the safety of our children we paid the money to move to a suitable hotel.
Were now liaising with a travel law solicitor whos evaluating our case to see if theres any chance of getting some of our £620 back, but really they say they cant progress until we get some more def info that the hotel will not be open for our original date we were meant to go of 21st July.
So if any of you have an up-to-date info to about this hotel not being open on 21st July, then Id love to hear from you