karma wrote:GorillaGal wrote:Karma, do you really want to know about good cyprus wine (there is none), or are you just trying to entice a conversation with a certain Forum Member who sahll remain annoymous (get real) to find out how well cultured he might be????
Shut Up, wht kind of a friend u r??
I just wana know the good Cypriot wines ofcourse

Karma , I'm happay to see that you have at last taken my advice and contemplating some wine tasting. I drink a bottle of red , unless the weather is hot , every night of the week , weekens I manage a couple. Cyprus has some drinkable reds some enjoyable whites but most certainly nowhere near as refined as some of my favourites.
French Clarets are my favourites , from the Bordeaux region which produces some of the most prestigious crus. The famous Chateau Latour is amongst the finest in Pauillac region but way over the top money wise. A good Margaux will elevate you to heights beyond the reach of mere mortal wines , but a good second crus wine such as Chateau Leoville Barton will leave you gasping for more , while an 82 bottle of Haut Brion will knock you out !!
Seriously though Chilean wines and Argentinian , as Niki wrote are extremely good and do not cost a fortune either , try a Cabernet Sauvignon such as the Saint Morillon , or an Argentinian also Cabernet Sauvignon such as the Caballero De Lagera.
Cypriot wines such as the white Vardalis , light and refreshing and the red Othello full of body can be enjoyed in good company.
I'm so pleased that you are in the search of red wines Karma , I'm in Cyprus end of May might just bring you a bottle. !!! Must now open a bottle for me .Cheers !