FC I usually just ignore your posts, but this made me laugh:
i dont know who you are or what you are one thing is for sure you are not in the cypriots interest that is for sure[/quote]
You want to cut all ties with Turkey (the main country we must negotiate with for a solution); Greece (our closest allies and hugely important to our economy); and Britain (once again hugely important to Cyprus' economy and our prosperity, not to mention with all the tourists we receive from there). And I am not in Cyprus' interest? The only reason you say this is because I do not agree with your warped version of our identity. Well, I'm sorry but I am entitled to my views; feck me all day if you must, my views are not isolated; this is how the majority of YOUR Cyprus, (as you always refer to it as) feels. Repeating how we are slaves etc etc 500-600 times will achieve nothing.
[quote]you talk about my threads on here one of my threds on here is worth 200 of yours [/quote]
200 of your posts are only worth one of mine, as your 200 posts have the same single message in them all.
[quote]you do not have the vision or the guts to speak for cyprus as a whole you take sides amigo you are a sell out [/quote]
Again, complete shit, however I expect no different from you. I have stated over and over that I would accept a solution based on proportional representation. Is this taking sides? In my opinion, a system cannot be much fairer. What solution have you ever proposed? Oh yes, cut all ties with everyone, and Cyprus will grow wings and fly to Mars!
[quote]if there was any doubt in what i say then your post here and your shallow understanding of my post here proves this fact[/quote]
My first post here was simply asking the Forum's opinion. Name one thing in the post that is incorrect? You have insulted everybody, you are far too repetitive, you do use 'feck' too often etc.

I believe I have understood your posts just fine. Please feel free to correct me? OK you do not take sides, fine, but this does not mean you are right nor does it mean you talk any sense.
[quote]i was going to tell you to go f... yourself but i have resisted the temptation.................[/quote]
Thank you.

Keep going like this and you may even turn the above poll around; so far it seems the majority want you to leave.