Murataga wrote:...President of the Republic of Cyprus was elsewhere on July 14, 2006, while visiting Greece. In his speech to the Greek head of state, President Papadopoulos stated loyally: “We [Cyprus] do not want, nor do we seek to transfer the weight of our problems to the shoulders of Greece. But, we do want our Greek brothers to realise that we in Cyprus, as we resist Turkish expansionism and fight for the national and physical survival of Greek Hellenism, are forward defenders of Hellenism in its widest meaning and dimension.'
Turkey is attacking with political and military means in W.T.,Aegean and Cyprus ,this is a reality.
Probably you are not interested that Turkish leadership adopt the theory "Lebensraum" (living space,vital space) to "protect" her vital interest.
Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party were also supporting "Lebensraum" to support the vital space and vital interest of the Third Reich(for more details you can read the Turkish edition of Mein Kampf,used to be a bestseller in Turkey).
For this reason if you are searching for fascism don't go 40 years back search in our era and in your neighborhood is more easy to find it.