Not yet Lena mou, but I'm getting there...
Thank you Natty for all your kind words. You know some people here believe that you have to be nice with someone only if you imagine him/her naked in your bed...for those people you can not exchange love words with someone that you respect or just because they are humans like you are. Do you think that I have this kind of view because I am from another planet?
Well maybe not from another planet (I don't think Bir meant to call you an alien or anything..
), but I guess it's just so rare..although you know, if you have respect for someone and you like who they are of course you should 'exchange love words' as you put it, or even just be honest with them and tell them...
Ahhh…I'm sure we're known as the forum members who live in some sort of fantasy world, but hey sometimes that fantasy world could show the real world a thing or two! Plus at times it's so much better, especially with the flying pigs, and the chocolate/money trees!
Do I have to call me mum and ask her again how I came to this world?
Maybe that wouldn't be the best idea'll probably end up with some not so nice images in your mind that you'll most likely never really be able to shake off...
Actually, come to think about it, you don't even need to ask..I Mean we all know that, when it comes to our parents we were all conceived by the method of immaculate conception...
Get Real...get a life...and her name is NATTY...not Nutty...
Thanks Lena mou, don't worry, one day Get real will realise that the second letter of my name is in fact an A, as oppose to a U...