miltiades wrote:karma wrote:Niki2410 wrote:That is horrific. We all don't realise how lucky we are to be born into more civilised cultures.
I wish Afghans and Iraqis would be able to say the same..
Civilised cultures??? R u kidding??
Karma , my dear young innocent child. In the West we do not kill our women folk if they became the victims of rape , or if they fancied a bit because we do not consider the woman's' genital area to have anything whatsoever to do with honor.What we consider honorable behaviour is tolerance , compassion , forgiveness, love of life and respect of the sanctity of life , caring for the sick and the old and looking after our animals. Unlike the Iraqis and Afghans that you mentioned we do not believe that massacring innocents gives us an automatic entry to heavens. These two nations that you mentioned are still living in the 4th century , and we have reached the 21st in case you haven't noticed.
Thank u so much Miltiades, U made my day calling me young
In the West you do not kill your women but only in the East..I agree with u..
As for honor, respect, forgiveness, love, tolerance; all the nations of the world deserve them , not only imperialists..
If they want to live in 4th century , it is their choice u shld TOLERATE IT as a ''CIVILIZED WESTERN''