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TRNCs Mountain Flag

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby LENA » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:31 pm

shahmaran wrote:You are probably wasting your energy Zan!

She will just read something totally different :roll:

Shah ... go to bed and dream a bit more about your lovely TRNC...and your lovely Turks!
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Postby zan » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:38 pm

LENA wrote:
zan wrote:I want to be a billionaire but I am sensible enough to know that it is not going to happen. That is the same as wanting a united Cyprus but knowing that we cannot achieve it unless many changes are made. These changes are needed from both sides, yes, but the RoC are the ones that are claiming to represent the whole country and should make the road clearer. I hope you have understood what I am saying this time. You seem to go into defensive mode every time I have a go at the RoC. If there were nothing wrong then I would have nothing to have a go at.

The point about if things were not as they had been in the 60s, there would be many more TCs on the island is because the conditions for the GCs were not the same. I know many TCs that moved back to Cyprus and because of embargoes could not make a living and had to move back to their host countries. This is not the same for the GCs that moved back and all the ones that did move back are still there. Put simply, the TCs did not have the same opportunities so most did not even make the move. In fact many more moved out. You cannot apply the same logic to both communities.

There is also a difference in BEING a minority and having a minority status in the political world. I hope you can understand what I am saying.

Zan my dear … first of all….thank you about the compliment! :wink:
As for the above post…well yes I told you that I don’t disagree with you. I know that our government claim things in theory but we didn’t see much in practise.
What I am telling and you are not willing to understand is that, things can not change from one day to the other. Government need time…you know all the bureaucratically things that are needed to be done…and that takes time. What I said is that we slowly lead to that. But situation doesn’t help much either. You don’t want unification….you want partition why should we do all the changes and then tell us “no but thanks”! Zan we have to help that. You can not be a billionaire because you want to. You have to work hard, it will take you years … but may be one day your dream will become true.

See I am telling you Zan you look only one side. You said about TC that came back…and left because things doesn’t work as they thought … well imagine GC that they didn’t even come back to try because they are not able. They can not go back where they use to live because they are not allowed. Don’t look only what you want to see Zancim.

As for the minority thing…yes you are right it is different being a minority and have minority statues. But do you know how many GC have minority statues? Do you know that people that are refugees either they were lucky and were helped a lot or they fight for that… and others they still live in horrible houses and people doesn’t tried them well because they are just refugees. Zan things are not so easy you know. Life is shit…but we have to have the courage to move on and fight for a better life.

Yes and change comes about through pressure. You guys are not putting enough pressure on your goverment to make these changes so they never will. You leave everything to us. :wink: If you want to reach he moon, you have to reach for the stars.
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:44 pm

LENA wrote:
shahmaran wrote:You are probably wasting your energy Zan!

She will just read something totally different :roll:

Shah ... go to bed and dream a bit more about your lovely TRNC...and your lovely Turks!

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Postby LENA » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:32 am

zan wrote:
LENA wrote:
zan wrote:I want to be a billionaire but I am sensible enough to know that it is not going to happen. That is the same as wanting a united Cyprus but knowing that we cannot achieve it unless many changes are made. These changes are needed from both sides, yes, but the RoC are the ones that are claiming to represent the whole country and should make the road clearer. I hope you have understood what I am saying this time. You seem to go into defensive mode every time I have a go at the RoC. If there were nothing wrong then I would have nothing to have a go at.

The point about if things were not as they had been in the 60s, there would be many more TCs on the island is because the conditions for the GCs were not the same. I know many TCs that moved back to Cyprus and because of embargoes could not make a living and had to move back to their host countries. This is not the same for the GCs that moved back and all the ones that did move back are still there. Put simply, the TCs did not have the same opportunities so most did not even make the move. In fact many more moved out. You cannot apply the same logic to both communities.

There is also a difference in BEING a minority and having a minority status in the political world. I hope you can understand what I am saying.

Zan my dear … first of all….thank you about the compliment! :wink:
As for the above post…well yes I told you that I don’t disagree with you. I know that our government claim things in theory but we didn’t see much in practise.
What I am telling and you are not willing to understand is that, things can not change from one day to the other. Government need time…you know all the bureaucratically things that are needed to be done…and that takes time. What I said is that we slowly lead to that. But situation doesn’t help much either. You don’t want unification….you want partition why should we do all the changes and then tell us “no but thanks”! Zan we have to help that. You can not be a billionaire because you want to. You have to work hard, it will take you years … but may be one day your dream will become true.

See I am telling you Zan you look only one side. You said about TC that came back…and left because things doesn’t work as they thought … well imagine GC that they didn’t even come back to try because they are not able. They can not go back where they use to live because they are not allowed. Don’t look only what you want to see Zancim.

As for the minority thing…yes you are right it is different being a minority and have minority statues. But do you know how many GC have minority statues? Do you know that people that are refugees either they were lucky and were helped a lot or they fight for that… and others they still live in horrible houses and people doesn’t tried them well because they are just refugees. Zan things are not so easy you know. Life is shit…but we have to have the courage to move on and fight for a better life.

Yes and change comes about through pressure. You guys are not putting enough pressure on your government to make these changes so they never will. You leave everything to us. :wink: If you want to reach he moon, you have to reach for the stars.

Zan canim, soon we will have to vote for a new president...I am a bit scared for that moment but that moment is coming. I can not do anything else apart from waiting for the elections. And you said that we left all the pressure procedure to you...if its true ... then what have you done about that...apart from pushing us out of your lives? You pressure us to give up from any right we have in the north, you pressure for recognition, you pressure for your own good and not for the general one more time to my point. You look only your selves!
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Postby LENA » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:33 am

shahmaran wrote:
LENA wrote:
shahmaran wrote:You are probably wasting your energy Zan!

She will just read something totally different :roll:

Shah ... go to bed and dream a bit more about your lovely TRNC...and your lovely Turks!


Thank God you finally got my point!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Salonikios » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:02 pm

TRNCs Mountain Flag

Να την βάλουν εκει που ξέρουν την κωλοσημαια τους τα μογγολα.
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Postby LENA » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:13 pm

Salonikios wrote:
TRNCs Mountain Flag

Να την βάλουν εκει που ξέρουν την κωλοσημαια τους τα μογγολα.

Down boy. Salonikies...I do understand your feelings but you can express your self better....and this forum have as a rule to post in English...and if you really want them to do that...then tell them to do that in a language they will understand. Now only we understood. Do you want us to help them or what?

The very first post of yours and you started insulting people...well I dont know how long you will last in here! Things can be wild sometimes...hold your self my dear!
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Postby Simon » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:20 pm

Welcome Salonikios. :D
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Postby Salonikios » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:23 pm

Happy to fing you guys here 8)
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Postby T_C » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:47 pm

Salonikios wrote:
TRNCs Mountain Flag

Να την βάλουν εκει που ξέρουν την κωλοσημαια τους τα μογγολα.

Köpeğin götünden çıkan yedi garnı bozuk seni :wink:...gardashlar bu pezevengin en iyi kısmı anasının bacağından yere akdı galiba! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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