miltiades wrote:SHAH WROTE :
"""""""""""""" and tell me about MY country and how i shouldn't be there! """""
Hold on a minute mate . Make up your mind , in the previous post concerning that monstrosity in the mountain YOY referred to it as your flag . Now which is it mate , and don't blame me and others who call such people as yourself bloody foreigners who should not be in MY country . You have on more than one occasion referred to Turkey as your country , is it then any wonder that some fanatics , people like you for instance , misguided and full of air . tell you to go back where you came from. There are also G/Cs that refer to Cyprus as if it
was just another Greek island but ley me remind you that there are also Cypriots who regard this island as the home of the Cypriots and they ain't going to give up their birth right because people like you aspire to be absorbed by a foreign nation.
Here is another excerpt of your post :
""""""Then they have the cheek to come and complain about us putting flags and quotes from Ataturk on OUR mountains,""""
On OUR mountains you say , that is just as vulgar as your avatar . The mountains are in CYPRUS not Turkey , Greece , Britain in case you did not know. The mountains are the property of the Cypriots , any one can tell you .
For as long as there are misguided individuals such as you , the people of Cyprus will suffer and the future generations will blame you and your ideology.
polis wrote:This is the probably the most interesting video I've seen on yutube and it comes from a Turkish Cypriot no less! Not least, practically all the messages are in Turkish! I really am impressed!
Kifeas wrote:When he says "OUR mountains" he means the TC mountains. He thinks that the occupied by Turkey north of Cyprus is the TC's country (i.e. it is their historical homeland of which they are the exclusive owners!) He thinks that the 200,000 GCs that were ethnically cleansed from the occupied north by Turkey in 1974, were not the indigenous inhabitants of this land but were foreign invaders and occupies of the "Turkish" north and who had to be expelled by Turkey through a liberation "peace operation," so that the indigenous TCs and their "Turkish north homeland" would be liberated from the yolk of the "illegal GC foreign occupiers."
Isn't it SHAH? Isn't this what you meant when you said "OUR mountains?"
Aren’t the 500 GC churches in the north -some of which since the begging of Christianity, 1500-2000 years old, in reality TC mosques which were converted in the ancient times into churches by the illegal foreign GC invaders and occupiers of the TC’s historical homeland?
And then some TCs wonder why the world doesn't know or like to hear their side of the story!
shahmaran wrote:Well the posters are just some lame propaganda attempts by the RoC, which are placed at the gates for everyone crossing over to see and learn about the crimes and the murders of the evil Turks, and they even have a "special" tree for the missing. Also the Viewing Post is basically this crappy army post they have set up right next to the wall for everyone to climb on and take a good look over to our side and some Marash I believe, so that they can all clearly see the "doings" of the evil Turks. They have even placed multilingual signs right next to it for the convenience of the dumbass Brits, giving them brief info on Cyprob, who then come back to UK and tell me about MY country and how i shouldn't be there!
Its cheap i tell you!
Then they have the cheek to come and complain about us putting flags and quotes from Ataturk on OUR mountains, which are very commonly done in Turkey also, meaning they are not specially designed and put there to piss off the GCs and annoy Pyr during his little weekend cruise...
observer wrote:It's not actually the flag you see in the day lit up. It's like a lot of light bulbs.
First the star is outlined, then the crescent moon. After a little while the outline of a flag so that it looks like a Turkish flag, then on come the extra lines that make it a TRNC flag. Then all the light bulbs go out and it starts all over again.
I agree with all the comments to date - terrible idea and a distraction to drivers. Also a waste of electricity.
LENA wrote:Kifeas wrote:When he says "OUR mountains" he means the TC mountains. He thinks that the occupied by Turkey north of Cyprus is the TC's country (i.e. it is their historical homeland of which they are the exclusive owners!) He thinks that the 200,000 GCs that were ethnically cleansed from the occupied north by Turkey in 1974, were not the indigenous inhabitants of this land but were foreign invaders and occupies of the "Turkish" north and who had to be expelled by Turkey through a liberation "peace operation," so that the indigenous TCs and their "Turkish north homeland" would be liberated from the yolk of the "illegal GC foreign occupiers."
Isn't it SHAH? Isn't this what you meant when you said "OUR mountains?"
Aren’t the 500 GC churches in the north -some of which since the begging of Christianity, 1500-2000 years old, in reality TC mosques which were converted in the ancient times into churches by the illegal foreign GC invaders and occupiers of the TC’s historical homeland?
And then some TCs wonder why the world doesn't know or like to hear their side of the story!
Well said Kifeas!!!
Shah thought that Cyprus and Pentadaktilos belong to him...are his property...and the "evil" GC want to kick him out of his property!
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