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TRNCs Mountain Flag

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:00 pm

polis wrote:This is the probably the most interesting video I've seen on yutube and it comes from a Turkish Cypriot no less! Not least, practically all the messages are in Turkish! I really am impressed, I think I should take this to a more intelligent discussion forum!

Yeah... take it to ATCA they'll love it!
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Postby polis » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:
polis wrote:This is the probably the most interesting video I've seen on yutube and it comes from a Turkish Cypriot no less! Not least, practically all the messages are in Turkish! I really am impressed, I think I should take this to a more intelligent discussion forum!

Yeah... take it to ATCA they'll love it!

Ok, whatever.
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:38 am

its definitely not half as lame as your posters at the gates, or even you ingenious Viewing Post, i mean come on man, are you desperate or what, so what if we like to put our flag up there, what the hell has it got anything to do with you anyways?
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Postby T_C » Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:53 am

Whats the posters of? Whats the viewing post? Someone fill me in...
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:15 am

Well the posters are just some lame propaganda attempts by the RoC, which are placed at the gates for everyone crossing over to see and learn about the crimes and the murders of the evil Turks, and they even have a "special" tree for the missing. Also the Viewing Post is basically this crappy army post they have set up right next to the wall for everyone to climb on and take a good look over to our side and some Marash I believe, so that they can all clearly see the "doings" of the evil Turks. They have even placed multilingual signs right next to it for the convenience of the dumbass Brits, giving them brief info on Cyprob, who then come back to UK and tell me about MY country and how i shouldn't be there!

Its cheap i tell you!

Then they have the cheek to come and complain about us putting flags and quotes from Ataturk on OUR mountains, which are very commonly done in Turkey also, meaning they are not specially designed and put there to piss off the GCs and annoy Pyr during his little weekend cruise...:roll:
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:26 am

Well the posters are just some lame propaganda attempts by the RoC, which are placed at the gates for everyone crossing over to see and learn about the crimes and the murders of the evil Turks, and they even have a "special" tree for the missing. Also the Viewing Post is basically this crappy army post they have set up right next to the wall for everyone to climb on and take a good look over to our side and some Marash I believe, so that they can all clearly see the "doings" of the evil Turks. They have even placed multilingual signs right next to it for the convenience of the dumbass Brits, giving them brief info on Cyprob, who then come back to UK and tell me about MY country and how i shouldn't be there!

Its cheap i tell you!

Then they have the cheek to come and complain about us putting flags and quotes from Ataturk on OUR mountains, which are very commonly done in Turkey also, meaning they are not specially designed and put there to piss off the GCs and annoy Pyr during his little weekend cruise...

Shahmone - how can you say a viewing post for people to see where they once lived and posters of the missing as a way of rememberance - to BLATENT acts of ultra-nationalism such as ruining whole mountains with huge lit up flags (chav or WHAT) and slogans everywhere. Are you THAT nationalistic - do you have NO shame???? lol
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:28 am

I also hope that your happy sitting in your yard with no electricity (apart from the power that the evil Greek Cypriots supply you) knowing that the stupid flag on the mountain is lit up at night. You SAD motherf****r! lol
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Postby T_C » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:40 am

shahmaran wrote:Well the posters are just some lame propaganda attempts by the RoC, which are placed at the gates for everyone crossing over to see and learn about the crimes and the murders of the evil Turks, and they even have a "special" tree for the missing. Also the Viewing Post is basically this crappy army post they have set up right next to the wall for everyone to climb on and take a good look over to our side and some Marash I believe, so that they can all clearly see the "doings" of the evil Turks. They have even placed multilingual signs right next to it for the convenience of the dumbass Brits, giving them brief info on Cyprob, who then come back to UK and tell me about MY country and how i shouldn't be there!

Gosh...the GC's are so creative when it comes to propaganda. Sorry but we're crap at even getting our side of the story heard let alone the propaganda. It pisses me off so much when I hear people brainwashed by GC propaganda who try and tell me about my country. Even some people in here like that horrid Carleen woman who was trying to tell me that the TCs came in 1974 with Turkey. :evil: :evil:

In all my time in the UK I have rarely ever heard anyone telling our side of the story which is a bloody shame. Even some of our own people who are so clever, even some in (dare I say it) ATCA who have had first hand experience on what happened completely flop in doing anything constructive with their knowledge to help. I mean look at Ottoman who just came in here and started bragging about his familys involvement in TMT, calling people pezevengiz, gavurs and saying things like "north cyprus is ours now you lost ha ha ha...". Imagine how some people percieve us, even though it don't sound like a big deal it really matters. TC's just don't play it smart like the GC's do and we end up looking really bad because of it. Like what the article Zan posted a week back said "what matters is perception" and I don't think a lot of TCs get it.

This is why I found people accusing VP of propaganda hilarious...because I don't believe there is any worthwhile propaganda coming from our side. GC's propaganda is clever and even though it's cheap people fall for all that emotional s***.

[gulp] Reading back this post it seems fit for ATCA but I don't mean it in a bad way...I don't mean we should lie (actually quite the opposite) or make things worse but if TCs are going to tell their story we should at least do it in a more effective way instead of being so agressive and stubborn.

Shahmaran wrote:Its cheap i tell you!

Sounds it! :roll:

Shahmaran wrote:Then they have the cheek to come and complain about us putting flags and quotes from Ataturk on OUR mountains, which are very commonly done in Turkey also, meaning they are not specially designed and put there to piss off the GCs and annoy Pyr during his little weekend cruise...:roll:

Yeah I know. Though I have to say that I don't agree with lighting it up like some Xmas tree while people sit in their homes in the dark :?
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Postby Murataga » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:57 am

turkish_cypriot- you wrote:

Gosh...the GC's are so creative when it comes to propaganda. Sorry but we're crap at even getting our side of the story heard let alone the propaganda. It pisses me off so much when I hear people brainwashed by GC propaganda who try and tell me about my country. Even some people in here like that horrid Carleen woman who was trying to tell me that the TCs came in 1974 with Turkey.

In all my time in the UK I have rarely ever heard anyone telling our side of the story which is a bloody shame. Even some of our own people who are so clever, even some in (dare I say it) ATCA who have had first hand experience on what happened completely flop in doing anything constructive with their knowledge to help. I mean look at Ottoman who just came in here and started bragging about his familys involvement in TMT, calling people pezevengiz, gavurs and saying things like "north cyprus is ours now you lost ha ha ha...". Imagine how some people percieve us, even though it don't sound like a big deal it really matters. TC's just don't play it smart like the GC's do and we end up looking really bad because of it. Like what the article Zan posted a week back said "what matters is perception" and I don't think a lot of TCs get it.

This is why I found people accusing VP of propaganda hilarious...because I don't believe there is any worthwhile propaganda coming from our side. GC's propaganda is clever and even though it's cheap people fall for all that emotional s***.

[gulp] Reading back this post it seems fit for ATCA but I don't mean it in a bad way...I don't mean we should lie (actually quite the opposite) or make things worse but if TCs are going to tell their story we should at least do it in a more effective way instead of being so agressive and stubborn.

Well agreed, nicely put! (agzina saglik 8) ).
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Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:08 am


"""""""""""""" and tell me about MY country and how i shouldn't be there! """""

Hold on a minute mate . Make up your mind , in the previous post concerning that monstrosity in the mountain YOY referred to it as your flag . Now which is it mate , and don't blame me and others who call such people as yourself bloody foreigners who should not be in MY country . You have on more than one occasion referred to Turkey as your country , is it then any wonder that some fanatics , people like you for instance , misguided and full of air . tell you to go back where you came from. There are also G/Cs that refer to Cyprus as if it
was just another Greek island but ley me remind you that there are also Cypriots who regard this island as the home of the Cypriots and they ain't going to give up their birth right because people like you aspire to be absorbed by a foreign nation.

Here is another excerpt of your post :

""""""Then they have the cheek to come and complain about us putting flags and quotes from Ataturk on OUR mountains,""""

On OUR mountains you say , that is just as vulgar as your avatar . The mountains are in CYPRUS not Turkey , Greece , Britain in case you did not know. The mountains are the property of the Cypriots , any one can tell you .
For as long as there are misguided individuals such as you , the people of Cyprus will suffer and the future generations will blame you and your ideology.
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