villawagen wrote:to be honest, i don't have any problems with America or its citizens. the British have this sort of relationship that goes way back, and ties us in with them, in a sort of no questions asked we will stand by each other come hell or high water, sort of way

i really liked Bill Clinton even if he was a womanizer and a liar
its just the way it is !!!!! however i really do think George Bush is a knob end

I don't hate the Americans just some of the things they do. If the Brits think the Americans have always been their mates and supported them they are one off.
When the Brits went into Suez with the French wasn't it the Americans who started to sell off Sterling and almost bankrupt the UK? Just to make them toe their line?
Its the spin they put on things that annoys me. They always have to be the good guys and the saviours of everyone. Even in their films they alter facts to make themselves look better. That it was they who found the enigma code in the last war was just one small example. Their are other examples.
Most Americans have a simplistic view of the world as most haven't been further than their own backyard and a ginormous percentage do not even have passports. Having said that the USA is so large that you do not have to leave the country to find everything you need.
I have always found them as a people when I have visited the states warm and friendly and extremely generous by and large but terribly gung ho and quick to pull the trigger hence the amount of blue on blue casualties (funny its never the Brits killing the Americans)?
One of my best mates is American and she actually agrees with me!!
Now Gorilla girl don't get your knickers in a twist. I know the Americans do some good in the world. Most wealthy western countries do.