Ok I respects yours also.
Still, like I said before it doesn't bother me what I call myself so long as I get the point across that I am Cypriot AND Turkish. Weather it's Turkish Cypriot, Cypriot Turk, Turkic Cypriot, Turkish speaking Cypriot it really doesn't faze me to be honest.
If/When we're unified and all the dust settles then I will happily start to call myself a CYPRIOT.
The same way if/when we're unified I will stop calling North, TRNC. I can totally understand why GCs don't like it, but I was born there, its all I've ever known and if I don't belong there I don't feel like I belong anywhere in Cyprus. The RoC part for me is unfamiliar territory and we ARE divided so I don't feel like I can say "I'm from RoC and am just a Cypriot" while we have all these problems in our country.
When everything is sorted I will be proud to be Cypriot from the RoC, URoC, UCyR, Cypriot Republic or wherever. Till then I don't feel like pretending for the sake of it...also till the problems are sorted out calling ourselves "just Cypriots" wont make a bit of difference because no matter how you look at it, while we are divided we will ALWAYS be TCs and GCs.
The Cypriot thing will in the end come naturally...thats just my opinion though...