Hi Sophia,
You may know about this already but if not try looking at the following website,
Website run by the European Employment Service with 'Blue Flag' jobs indicating that employers are specifically seeking employees from other European states. Last time I looked there were 230 jobs on offer in Cyprus and many more for the rest of Europe which may be of use to those looking for an alternative to Cyprus.
Got my current job through this site, responsible position, good salary and an excellent employer. My Greek is not great but this has not proved a problem, a willingness to work is the most important factor. Do not expect to earn UK rates, what you will earn will be the Cypriot rate for the job. When you get here use the skills you aquired in the UK but do not quote 'what we do in the UK' at the Cypriots, you can learn a lot here.
Best of Luck and let us know how you get on!