But be very careful, if you don't use your easy sim card for more than three months, it will expire (which hapened to mine )
Your sim card did not expire. What expire are the recharge cards. the 5 pound one expires after 60 days, the 10 pound one expires after 120 days and so on. Even when it expires it doesn't mean that you loose your money. The amount you did not use from the expired recharge card will be added to your balance the next time you use a recharge card. From Cyta website:
If you recharge your account before the
validity period expires, any unused credit from
your previous recharge will be carried
forward and a new recharge validity period
will commence. This way you don’t lose any credit!
The longer validity period between the previous and the new Recharge Cards, will remain.
Even if the previous recharge validity period expires, any balance remaining in your account will
not be lost. This balance will "frozen" and
you will be able to use it again when you
activate a new Recharge Card