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Looking for job in Cyprus?

Sell and buy used things, look for a job etc.

Moderator: Piratis

Postby Bill » Wed May 30, 2007 2:20 pm

Hi Ezis

It looks to me like it is a scam -- the type of organisation that preys on those not able to find their own jobs .

I would say there is a large fee involved or worse a regular percentage of your income if they secure you a job-- they were very evasive when I emailed them and were not willing to tell me exactly what jobs they have available even after repeated requests.

The final communication from them was that I was to old and to try another employment agency .

I probably would have no difficulty finding a job myself ( in fact Ive been offered a few already by friends in Cyprus ) but I thought I'd contact them to see what was available.

I must admit the more evasive they became the more I played with them -- just to see what exactly they were up to .

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Postby Ezis » Wed May 30, 2007 4:42 pm

Well it sure looks like it is a scam ??!!

Plouton never replied to anyone or tried to clear its name .. ??

Don't know
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