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getting from paphos to coral bay?

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Postby fagash » Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:31 pm

I would imagine the population of Paphos is evacuating in preparation for your arrival. :mrgreen:
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Postby Bill » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:06 am

fagash wrote:
GROOSTER wrote:how long does it take on the bus?80c one way?tell me moore please.
also,the best bars to check out and good restaurants and that

Never used it myself so I can't answer your questions.

But it runs a lot later than 7.30. (Sorry to contradict you Bill. :oops: )

And everyone knows the best crumpet is in Larnaca. :mrgreen:

Yes your dead right about the girlie's in Larnaca the only problem is I can never find a bus to get me there after 7.30 pm :lol:

As for buses in Paphos -- I've never actually used a bus in Paphos -- but I've driven round there often enough in the evenings -- And I can't say I've ever seen a bus after the evening rush home ... 8) but I'll take your word for it

The transport system in Cyprus really sucks compared to most other countries in Europe.

I don't think your £400 is going to last long at this rate now you have a taste of the luxuries in life -- like food -- drink and the ladies.

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Postby charliechoice » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:43 am

It's a wonderful walk from Paphos to Coral Bay took us about two hours, the last time and the beer goes down so much sweeter at the end of it !
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bill makes me laugh

Postby GROOSTER » Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:11 am

sounds like you got an eye for the ladies billy boy!
still delibrating on whther to stay in the folksgaff on not,its to bloody far away,also if (which obviously we wlll)be getting drunk ever(ha)wed have to drive as there are no buses there..its all ver gritty isnt it.#
so,bill,is there pussy bout in end april/beginning may fella?
irl try to sort myslef somrthing out wen im there regarding work/accomadation.may juat arrive and find cheap hotel or hostel or somethnig.
least the weather is gunna be good,mind you,its nice here,25today!
bit concenred its more expensive than shitland there tho,is this tottally true or only to acertain extent?beers 80p pint i heard,thats cheaper for starters!
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Postby RichardB » Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:28 am

i doubt that you will get a beer for 80p a pint (65cents) though you wil probably get a can in the supermarket for that.

In Nicosia it averages around Cy£2.10 (approx £2.50p) a pint though I am led to believe that it is a bit cheaper in Pafos But all the same I doubt you'll get a glass of tap water in a bar for 80p
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Postby GROOSTER » Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:42 am

wat nonnsense have my parents been tellin me then?if tis so expensive,then why do peep go there?2.50 pint?????/same as here,honeslty,im regretting going ot this place now,i really am,to go to a country which is more expensive than this shitpitt is sickening
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Postby GROOSTER » Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:46 am

how do uexplain this then?is this just made up orhttp://www.cyprus-property-sales-resa ... ng.htmears old?
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Postby RichardB » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:01 pm

Cost of Living
What is the cost of living in Cyprus?

No doubt you would like to try to estimate how far your Cyprus pounds (currently worth around GB£1.18 and €1.72) will stretch and how much money (if any) you will have left after paying your bills.

The cost of living is relatively low in Cyprus, with prices around 25 per cent lower than in most northern European countries. Limassol was recently highlighted as one of the five least expensive cities in Europe. As expected, prices have risen slightly since the country’s EU accession, and a survey carried out by the Cyprus Consumers’ Association in 2004 showed that prices had risen on average by 1.6 per cent since then.

According to the results of the Cypriot government’s Household Budget Survey 2004, average monthly outgoings for a single person are CY£647, for a couple CY£970 and for a couple with two children, CY£1,358. A couple owning their home can live fairly comfortably on a net income of between CY£6,000 and CY£7,000 per year (many pensioners live on less).

It’s obviously difficult to calculate an average cost of living, as your expenditure depends on your circumstances and lifestyle. Shopping for expensive consumer goods such as hi-fi equipment, electronic goods, computers and photographic equipment, for example, is generally better value than in many other European countries and North America, with many well known brands available in shops in the main towns. The difference in your food bill, on the other hand, will depend on what you eat and where you lived before coming to Cyprus.

Food is cheaper than in most northern European countries and around CY£250 will feed two adults for a month, including (inexpensive) wine, but excluding luxuries like fillet steak, caviar and imported delicacies. Local wines and spirits are good value and eating out is affordable, a meal for two averaging CY£25. It’s a good idea to avoid the tourist areas, where prices are higher than average. The Consumers’ Association publishes The Cyprus Good Food Guide, which is updated annually and includes information on eating out and restaurants which offer good value.

Consumer publications from the UK, US and Ireland are available at the CA’s reading library in Nicosia (Tel. 22-516 112–4,

Grooster bear in mind that this was written before Cyprus joined the EU so I would say at a rough guestimate you can add at least 15% onto the figures above

No one is saying you shouldnt move to Cyprus but I havnt seen one answer to all your questions that I havnt agreed with

As you can see if you have to pay for accomadation then your £400 wont last long

And as has been mentioned on numerous occasions unless you have a skilled trade then wages are quite low in comparison to the UK

As stated the cost of living can be up to 25% lower thaan most European countries but then again wages are probably 35% lower than other EU countries

I'm not trying to put you off mate I'm just answering your questions as honestly as I can
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Postby GROOSTER » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:06 pm

i dont call 25quid for 2 people eatnig out cheap???i wd not pay that old man tells me its 80p pint mayb bit more some places and food can get 2for a fiver etc.mayb my folks havedreamt it all,he did used ot watch dallas after all....
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Postby devil » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:20 pm

GROOSTER wrote:how do uexplain this then?is this just made up or http://www.cyprus-property-sales-resale ... living.htm ears old?

URL corrected in the quote above

But of course, as with any other destination in the world, if you visit Cyprus' typically touristy places, you will pay substantially more.
... and you are talking about the area with the most touristy and expat prices on the island.
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