insan wrote:A few months ago I've suggested a reconciliation meeting for particularly the ex-members of Volkan, Eoka, TMT and EOKA-B; of course political wings of these paramilitary groups should join this organization.
What do you think? Is it just a dream or we are able to force them to come together for a sincere handshake?
Well, I think such a reconciliation meeting could possibly just about be arranged, but only after a solution ... they would never agree to meet under the current circumstances. Ofcourse, not all of them would attend, but even the fact that some of them will come will be an important development, since it will mean that their groups will be "infected" with "pro-reconciliation" ideas.
I also agree with you on the important mission that the media will be called to accomplish. There should also, somehow, be Federal laws to limit the media publicity that terrorist groups can get - but I don't know how this could be implemented.
One thing I disagree with you is about the futility of direct police work. I think that effective crime detection, data collection and so on will be very important, and we need a strong counter-terrorist federal authority, totally bicommunal in its personnel make-up, and with the authority to act rapidly anywhere in Cyprus. Political groups that develop a terrorist wing should have all their assets frozen, and banned from coming down in elections.
One problem with the 1960s, is that no one was really trying to stop TMT and EOKA B, they had the backing of political leaders and they could hide within their communities.