paphosfan wrote:If it is in the UK, and you have owned it over 6 months, you shouldnt be paying anything to bring it in except a registration fee and road tax if you are coming to live here.
Hi G.Man
I have only recently joined this site. However, I read a thread that you contributed to on here as regrads importing a car from the UK. I have spent 4 months trying to research whether or not I will have to pay excise duty on importing my car from the UK to Cyprus. I can not find a definitive answer and it is trully stressing me out as we are due top move out within a month and I need to let the shippers know whether or not I want to take the car!
Can you confrim - does the 6 month rule apply only to those who are retiring to Cyprus? I will not be retiring.
I have a Honda Civic Type R. I have owned it for 9 months here in the UK. I bought it second hand. Its 1997cc and has CO2 emmissions of 215. I will be residing permanently in Cyprus and have a 1 year tenancy agreement to this effect.
Do you know where I can find wriiten confirmation that I wont have to pay the excise duty (which would be about CY£4000 GBP£4800!!!)? As the CYP MOF website seems to indicate that I will still have to pay the excise duty?
Soooooooo confusing!!! I cant sell the car in th UK as I would lose too much money.
I appreciate any comments.
Regards, Simon
If you have owned it in the UK for 9 months, have proof of insurance, employment, and housing in uk, and are permanently relocating to cyprus you should not pay duty...
Many people import from uk and pay minimal duty...
dont worry, its just a bit of an admin headache, but worth it for the cost savings