continues to remain Cyprus’ most visited and popular web site, attracting more than 120.000 unique visitors on average during the first three months of 2007 with page views at 980.000 and the number of hits during the first quarter reaching 2.95 mln.
The first-quarter figures show a clear improvement over the average 2006 monthly figures where attracted on average 83.658 unique visitors and over 10 mln hits on 4 mln page views.
The web site also compares favourably to other web sites in Cyprus. Based on a report published in Saturday’s Politis, which quoted web comparison site, here as well continues to maintain the edge.
Compared to traffic rank based on a combined measure of page views and users, is Cyprus’ most visited site with a total of 227.675 weekly users and 161.683 three-months average users according to data as at April 8, 2007.
According to the same statistics, Simerini had 137.260 users, the Cyprus Mail 108.671, Phileleftheros 36.855, Stockwatch 20.685 and Politis 19.613 users based on the last three-months average traffic.
Just about half of our web site visitors or 52.4% are from Cyprus, 20.6% from the UK, 7.9% from Greece, 6.3% from the US and 3.2% from Spain and other EU countries.
Updated on a daily basis and continuously rolling news, includes politics, business and finance as well as IT news in English as well as major CSE announcements and news in Greek.
Our daily Greek language electronic edition, Xpress, may also be downloaded free of charge from in PDF format, while subscribers to the online service may also secure access to Financial Mirror’s vast ‘News Archives’ and ‘Research Centre’ in electronic form, which has become very popular with major international and local research institutions and financial organisations. is also one of the first web sites in Cyprus to provide its content through an RSS feed to other sites, while our continuous news feed is also read through many other web sites, such as Google News.
Financial mirror got the statistics in reverse