BOF wrote:lev wrote:devil wrote:As for cockroaches, pour a little white spirit down the kitchen sink every night last thing.
Wait till you get a 3 m long black whip snake coming up out of your toilet.


Devil do some people not familiar with cicadas sometimes mistake them for cockroaches?
whats the significance of white spirit? will bleach not be as effective??

Bleach is a very dilute sodium hypochlorite solution that mixes with water and decomposes fairly rapidly on contact with organic material, releasing a small quantity of chlorine and atomic oxygen (not molecular). These are both powerful bactericides. The chances are that the stuff will have completely decomposed with all the organic gunge in a waste pipe long before the beasties make their nocturnal perambulation, so would be useless as a preventative measure, no matter how clean your waste pipe became. Adding a film of white spirit that floats on top of the water in your U-pipe will stop them, because they simply hate the stuff as it penetrates their exoskeleton and gives them a bad tummy-ache, without killing them. They therefore won't get their feet wet with the stuff.