Yeah, don't worry. Personally I've had hayfever pretty bad over the years, and my last place in the UK (near Ascot) totally sucked as I was next to some woods. Where I went to uni was next to the sea and I was a lot better. Living in Dubai for a few months in the summer a while back, while unbearingly hot, didn't make me sneeze or have hayfever symptoms once.
Ok, so I've been here since last november so haven't got full summer yet, but the closest I got was visiting my parents in Limassol a couple of weeks ago. They have quite a bit of grass around the area and it was being cut at the same time. I arrived in a convertible MX5, got attacked by my parent's dog (also have asthma and fur based allergies - which both have died down massively BTW), and got my hair cut. All of that gave me the beginnings of asthma (not enough even for the pump) and the slightest of hayfever. But nothing compared to the UK.
Oh, and I also stomped around a lot of Cyprus on my holiday last week and went up mountains (snowing for god sake...) down gorges, streams, waterfalls, orange groves, and typical british type countryside, and I didn't get any signs of hayfever at all. Didn't even sneeze.
Ok, I live in the middle of town and everyone is effected by different things, but I'm guessing the UK has a typical type of grass or plant that applies to a lot of sufferers, or perhaps we just reacted to it over the years (I was fine till about 12 years old). Then again probably best not to live in the middle of a large field and surround yourself with flowers.

But I'm guessing you don't already. Yep, I put my foot down. We have cactus and palm trees. Stuff the rest...