zan wrote:LENA wrote:zan wrote:
Lena said
I am NOT saying that we are perfect but don’t tell me that we don’t respect you.
You are confusing so many issues here. The point is that the RoC as it stands is catering for only the Greek culture and doing very little for us. I have not said that you guys are out to get us with intent in my post? What can happen though is that if our culture and our existence are sidelined for whatever reason then the natural way for things to go will be a constant fight for us. Although having said that that there are people in the south that would be more than happy to have us become Muslim Cypriots rather than who we really are, that is not the point I was trying to make. You are right in saying that we chose to have many Turks living with us in the north but that was a choice, as stated above between losing our Turkishness or becoming more Turkish. In that case I chose to become more Turkish. I do not feel any shame in being Turkish, as some would suggest I should. The comment you made about the translation of documents is more loaded than I think you imagined. The British government translates many documents for many minorities in the UK but they have no real claim to the island as TCs do. Can you not see the difference? Your comment puts us in minority status at a stroke with no rights to any claim to the island ever belonging, in part to us. The issue of TCs on the island is different to almost any other place in the world when it comes to claiming joint ownership and I am sorry but you do not have sovereignty over the island.
First, a small correction to my post that I just notice.
Now about you Zan can you explain to me what you mean by the emphasise part of your post? What you are? You are not Cypriot? I am sorry if you are not may be I will end this conversation here.
I am not the right person to give you all the laws and the details what the GC government give to TC…but I didn’t say anything more than I saw. Whenever I went for government papers, driving licence, ID, passports, etc there is a TC department, lots of translated documents and stuff member there to help the TC. I don’t know if the UK done the translation and who decided to be done but is what I saw. Can you explain me why I have in my first ID and my first passport Turkish? Is because then UK told us to do? Come on Zan things are not so bad as you want to present them. Yes I agree there are thousands to be done but at least you are in that way.
What did you do for the GC? NOTHING
Do you want us? NO
Do you want to live to a united Cyprus? NO
Do you want partition? YES
You told me that I don’t see any of the facts. Well tell me how much is the GC population in the island? How much is the population of the TC in the island? What the laws say about a government? That governments have to represent their citizens? I asked you again. Do you want us to stop getting married and having children until you become equal? The fact is that you are a minority in the whole Cyprus and in the north among the rest of the Turks. When you were not a minority in Cyprus? The laws and the government have to be fair representing the percentages of their citizens. It bother you so much that the percentage of TC comparing with GC is lower than the ½ but doesn’t bother you because is lower than the ½ of the Turks living north.
If it was possible to eliminate us you were going to do it Zan?
I will not answer to all your post here because I think we are doubling up on the same thing in two posts. I will just answer the highlighted part. There are organisations in Greece that are not allowed to put the word Turkish up on their representations but have to use the term "Muslim Greeks".
I am worried about you though because you are starting to sound like Pyro. He did not understand me either![]()
Zan you talk about Greece...I am talking about Cyprus...those are 2 different things...I dont care about the politics there or Greek opinions about the TC...what I found out is that living away from the situation and never been to Cyprus to see how it is doesnt make you completely understand the situation here and the feelings of the people that live here...we have our own problems to deal and too many of them to have time to deal with the Greek as well.
As for Pyros...Well I am not related by blood...but we are compatriots. And Pyros knows a lot more than I do in political stuff. Where is he lately by the way?