TCs have suffered just as much as the GCs, I wish you would accept that!
You have prospered while TCs have been stuck in a time warp without nowhere but Turkey to turn to whilst you constantly blame and punish them for trying to survive when you've never given them no other option. As people have said before "let them rot".
There is NO WAY that the TCs would/could of had the chance to even consider unification under Denktashs rule. It was impossible, unthinkable and at worst suicidal. Since we got rid of him now we're facing an equal nightmare with your own facist "president".
Tpops is blatantly a Turk hater and when the GCs actually advise the TCs in joining them in the RoC it makes me sad that they could even suggest such a thing knowing full well what this man and our history is like. Can you imagine TCs asking you to go live with them with Denktash as president?
TCs aren't stupid. We got rid of Denktash, if you were to get rid of Tpop and someone trustworthy were to be your president then I think you would eventually start getting some of the TCs backing the RoC all be it slowly (I say that because I don't think TCs will be enticed to do something so risky unless theres trust which would take a long time to build and Tpop just doesn't have the slightest chance in gaining this from the TCs now). For the time being the fact remains this man had something to do with EOKA and Aktiras, that could be the end of argument right there for TCs, yet he also calls people sympathetic to TCs "Turk lovers", he preaches Hellenism above all else and has even had the audacity to claim that not one TC was killed by the GCs. That alone is enough not to trust him or those who support him. If you can't understand that then there is something seriously wrong with you.
Denktas was not easy to get rid of, I remember a lot of people wishing he would just die, he survived many heart attacks much to the dismay of alot of the TCs (I feel bad writing that but it is the truth and I heard many people say things along those lines, people were sick to death of Denktash), this is the same Denktash who had to import mainlanders in order to stay in power (Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation), It got to the point where TCs had to print a letter to him on the front page of Kibris newspaper pleading with him to resign...not to mention the massive protests.
The TCs have always wanted a better peaceful future but this has been denied to them (without choice) by people with extremist views like Denktas and made 1000X worse by people in RoC government hell bent on "letting them rot" trying to get back at Turkey in the expense of your "compatriots" in the North while pouring fuel up Denktas' already flaming ass. I seriously doubt there is ANY trust left in the RoC government after all this, there is NO WAY that I would personally ever choose to go live in the RoC.
I want there to be peace in Cyprus, and also want GCs to get their properties and 100% humans rights in the whole of Cyprus, however till the RoC government grasps, appreciates and understands the concerns of the TCs then we will be more than happy with the no solution because I nor they believe that the RoC is sparing a serious thought for our (very serious) concerns.
I think the properties issue is being used as a disguise for the fact that Tpop and the rest of the RoC government just want to control the whole island and I believe that the TCs are justified in not wanting that given problems in the past. I'm sure you guys don't see it this way as you are GCs but I suppose you're not suprised I say that because I am a TC. I understand that you say "that was the past" but a part of me judging by RoC governments actions and their views just doesn't believe it. They definately are not worried at all about TCs, it's all about land, control and nothing else, anyone trying to tell me any different I consider trying to take me for a fool because I am not stupid enough to believe Tpop or anyone up there is thinking about the well being of TCs. I am just being honest. I have no problems what so ever with GCs but I do not feel like I can trust their government at all. If they were sincere I think they would of been pleading with the TCs, (begging if needs be) and doing all they could to get them into the Republic instead of playing games and delay tactics with Turkey which prove to me that TCs are not in the slightest interests of the RoC.
Absolute cracker of a post turkish_cypriot. Although things have begun to get a little out of hand on the talking front with some on this board, that is exactly what we have all been saying from day one.
I want there to be peace in Cyprus, and also want GCs to get their properties and 100% humans rights in the whole of Cyprus
Piratis wrote:Absolute cracker of a post turkish_cypriot. Although things have begun to get a little out of hand on the talking front with some on this board, that is exactly what we have all been saying from day one.
I am sorry Zan, but I never saw you posting something like:I want there to be peace in Cyprus, and also want GCs to get their properties and 100% humans rights in the whole of Cyprus
On the contrary all your posts are made to excuse the human rights violations and illegalities against us.
As far as individuals with violated human rights go, your lot is not so bad, Piratis, let's face it. It's about keeping things in perspective.
The wheels were set in motion by the British who instead of giving Cypriots the choice of decolonization that they wanted ( ... ration.htm ) they instead forced on us a problematic constitution with several undemocratic and unfair parameters.
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