Sorry Sotos but you miss a lot of simple answers like yes I am happy, I try to see my life optimistic even when I am not that happy...its more pessimistic your answer 3/4 are from I am a bit sad to I will answer, turn off the pc and go and kill myself.... you dont sound that happy...are you? I hope you are anyway...
Well i didnt answer ... because i dont know what to answer... i have food and a roof, my parents was able to educate me well...i have people that love me and hate me, I have moments that made me cry, suffer but i do have great moments that made me laugh, feel great, etc...I have moments that i feel that i have everything in life and moments that i feel that have so few in life...I have things in my life that some other want so much and I things that i don't have in my life and i would love to have....well what is happiness for you? i am a bit tired and I have to go out ... so i am a bit happy that i am going out to see my friends and a bit sad that i am tired...weird ha....