LMG wrote:Can you just give a flyer to he postman to take around?! I can't imagine any postman in England agreeing to that! It would be great if they would.
I really want to teach from home in classes of one or two rather than in a school.
I thought I might advertise in local shops where lots of people go and in schools/colleges if allowed.
I really love Cyprus and am looking forward to the possibility of living there, but it's quite stressful making plans for it! I need to be able to guarantee a living there, but I suppose I might need to take another job before I can rely on it from teaching.
Thanks for your advice
Well I know for sure the postmen they do that...they deliver them with letters...its not a problem for them...but i dont know if its for free...well you can even hire someone for that or do it by your self if you have time ... I am sorry i dont know how that is work but i can ask if you want.
Well yes most of the people that offer private lessons they give fliers to public places like supermarkets, hairdressing and beauty salons...where mums go...

but you need to take permission from them....you knew that i guess...
As for the stress and the plans...well that is the way that it goes...you are changing your life here...but try to stay calm ... dont get crazy before you come in Cyprus...you will have time to become mad here
Well you will need time for your first students...if you are lucky you wont need much time to settle everything down. But I believe that getting another job before that it will be great especially at the beginning. Your mornings will be free...because students go to private lessons in the afternoon...and if you advertise your self good and get enough students you might be able to stop the morning job. And offering private lessons for 1 or 2 students at a time you might be able to teach to grown ups as well...
When are you coming to Cyprus and where are you going to leave? I might be able to introduce you to your first students!

By the way do you speak Greek???
Good luck with your plans!!!