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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:16 am

What can I say to people that have not experienced mob mentality. You will not listen when people that have experienced it tell you that it is an ugly thing and any one of you can be involved with it. You dismiss things that you have no idea of and think that we are just saying it because we do not like Greeks. What is the matter with you people. Is it really part of being Greek Cypriots that makes you so stubborn. I know for a fact and have no doubt what so ever that some of you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes but the rest, and I am beginning to believe that there is no rest, keep repeating what you have heard is so fucking frustrating. Yes I and others have used language that makes it look like that we think all GCs are the same but we are not that stupid. I do know what a mob acts like though and how an entire nation can act when its politicians convince them that they are right. Looks more and more like the only way to play this game is from a nationalistic point and more and more of us are turning that way because you will not listen. You will not win in this game and niether will we as such. One thing is for sure though...We will never give up our rights that the RoC is trying to take from us by underhanded tricks that it has played for years. You really have no idea how the majority of TCs think and how close they are to turning away from you completely. Wake up and listen to what we are telling you. You are living in your own little worlds that only Humanist occupied for a while.
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Postby pitsilos » Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:33 am

majority of TCs think and how close they are to turning away from you completely.

and go where? beci=ome an officicial province of turkey? is this it?

you know as well as i do the moment that happens life for you will ceaze to exist.

and don't give me the we are turkish anyway, coz so are the 70 odd million souls that live in an improvished turkey. just think, the cheques will stop coming, and turkey will be punished.
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Postby humanist » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:18 am

Zan said
You are living in your own little worlds that only Humanist occupied for a while.

Zan please do not bring me into posts for other people pls, I have never compared you to anyone in the forum so pls refrain from using my name. I can hear what you are saying respect it but disagree with it.

As far as the majority of Turkish Speaking Cypriots go I think they voted yes for the AP. Perhaps that was more than the fact that it was a partitionist plan in the first place.
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Postby zan » Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:10 pm

humanist wrote:Zan said
You are living in your own little worlds that only Humanist occupied for a while.

Zan please do not bring me into posts for other people pls, I have never compared you to anyone in the forum so pls refrain from using my name. I can hear what you are saying respect it but disagree with it.

As far as the majority of Turkish Speaking Cypriots go I think they voted yes for the AP. Perhaps that was more than the fact that it was a partitionist plan in the first place.

If that last sentence is what you really believe then you are even more confused than I thought you were. Do you really believe that the vast majority of TCs understood what the hell the Annan plan stood for. Please Humanist you are fast beginning to sound like all the other propaganda mouthpieces on this forum. The TCs went against all that Denktas threw at them to say no to the plan. If the Annan plan was all that you say it was, and I don't for one minute believe you know anything about the plan and are just repeating what Piratis and Kifeas are saying, that Denktas would have said NO. Just stop to think about it for a minute. The TCs were ecstatic that at last there was a way that Cyprus would be united and of course there is no denying that the EU was a big factor in what they thought was a good thing. Many here criticize them and call them greedy for wanting that but if that is the case then why did the GCs want to join. What is good for the goose is good for the gander would you not say. Your comments are the equivalent if not worse than any so called ultra nationalist saying that ALL Greeks are killers. You seem to have embarked on an agenda that copies rather than thinks for himself and that is a shame because I really thought hat you had potential.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:18 pm

You must be a fool to tell the TCs did not know what the Anan plan stood for. True the vast majority did not even read it (same as the GCs actually) but they relied on those who were expert enough to explain them. The TCs felt happy because they could get everything including a)A disguised partition that would easily turn to real and recognised state b)Keeping our properties without paying anything c)A hell lot of money d)A new structure where under the worse case senario the GCs would be the only tax payers and they the nett receivers. e)continuation of Turkish army presence fpr 19 years f)staying of ALL settlers.

The only reason Denktash wanted the TCs to vote NO is because thre was no way for him to continue keeping the 30,000 donums of GC land he and his family have stolen. Furthermore the AP was not quaranteeing partition 100%, 95% was not good enough for Denktash.

Tell us how many pages have you read from the Anan Plan Zan before falling into zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:14 pm

Askimwos wrote

To be more precise, it is a fact that a quite big chunk of the young GC population know very little about the attrocities committed by EOKA B between 1963-67.

You admit with the above that atrocities were committed by the Greek Cypriots between 1963 and 1967 against innocent Turkish Cypriots. For your information there was no EOKA B at the time and thus, some other people should shoulder the responsibility for those atrocities. In my book the whole of the Greek Cypriot community is responsible, those that did it and all of us that kept quite and offered sanctuary to the murderers who are still among us.
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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:31 pm

Zan I am going to refrain from acusations as I do not appreciate what you have said, however, you have said it now my position is not to get to that level.

However, with the AP there would have still been external military forces on the Island, we would have still relied on external forces for major decisions and influences, it did not provide for the right of return of refugees and that notion of losse federal government was not thought properly. We would have had two of everything. You are right I do not know the AP inside out and I do not have a grasp of the fine detail, however I do have knowledge of the general points. I have it somewhere that I can make reference to it if you would like to debate any issues within it.

In a united country in which I believe you live in one, you have one governement that represents all people, you have one health department one education department. many counties or councils am not sure what the British political system is.

In Australia we have 5 states two territories one federal governement. some things are the responsibility of the state and territory governements some are the responsibility of the federal governement and the more messy issues are a joint responsibility. However there is a strong federal governement responsible for the nation, Cyprus under the AP would not have had that.
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