Diogenes wrote: even if you call it "evolution", you can still qualitatively compare the cultural "evolutionary" state of the Greeks then, and the state they are now.
You could also compare the cultural state of the Greeks between the Byzantine era and the Roman BC era.
Diogenes wrote: - The Greeks 2000 years ago, with those Gods, with that mentality,
with those traditions, with that way of life, etc, achieved all those
things they achieved, and produced all those people they produced.
The Greeks 2000 after that, or better, it's been 2000 after that, with
their new God and religion (Christianity), new mentality, new way of
Blaming religion is one way to justify this, another could be that Greeks only flourish culturally when they are free, so the periods of Roman and Ottoman occupation were the Greeks' "dark years". Besides, modern Greece DOES achieve a lot today, especially when taking into consideration her population size.
Diogenes wrote: The answer is pretty much NOTHING, and most of the others (Germans, British, French, etc) who achieved something and moved on, and we stayed behind, they achieved it relying heavily on those ancient sources, material, and knowledge, that we (actually they) the "enlightened", Greek-Cristians (if such a thing could ever make sense) rejected....
Well those others are christians too...
Diogenes wrote:You say the New Testament was written by Greeks (in Greek, etc), as if the New Testament is any great intellectual achievement or something. It is a ridiculus text, nowhere even near to the intelectual value of other ancient geek texts. It is (the New Testament) perhaps the best example of the intellectual, and cultural, corruption i was describing.
I said this in reply to your claim that christianity was a "foreign" and "given" religion