bigOz wrote: The truth is Turkish Cypriots exist, they are an ethnic minority in Cyprus with political rights as agreed by past Greek inhabitants, they have the right to self determination if attacked, ……….
They have a right to what, if attacked? Are you just improvising, or what? So far I knew that every one has the right of self-defence, if attacked, but no where have I seen such a meaningless notion like the above! Can you direct us to any source of international law or a human rights declaration that verifies your theory?
bigOz wrote: …. and currently TRNC is a reality whether you like it or not and recognise it or not!
Your real problem is not whether the GCs recognise it or not, but the fact that you are the only ones in the entire globe that do recognise such a “reality!” The rest of the globe recognise it as either areas of the RoC under Turkish occupation, or as the EU does in a more “polite” way, areas of the RoC in which the government of Cyprus can not exercise effective control, due to the “presence” of Turkish troops that prohibit it. (Protocol 10, article 1 of the Treaty of accession of Cyprus into the EU.)
bigOz wrote:.... The important question is WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Or better still what CAN you do about it.
I won’t fall for your profound arrogance and become one like you; I will however only tell you that you will never know for a fact -but only be left with the agony to guess or imagine, what we will do or will be able to do about it!