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Vets open Nicosia Good Friday

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Vets open Nicosia Good Friday

Postby G.Man » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:50 am

Anyone know of a vet open in Nicosia Good Friday?

I have found 2 abandoned kittens, under 2 weeks old (eyes stil closed) and I want to rescue them..

I need feed and advice..

Plenty of advice on internet, but i need the formula milk and a pipete to feed them with..

Poor little mites..
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Postby RichardB » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:54 am

Hi G.Man

I dont know of any vets open but why not try pm ing a couple of the members here involved in animal welfare they may be able to help.

Cant think of the names off hand and I've got to shoot off to work. All the best and happy Easter
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Postby Sotos » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:58 am

Are you sure they were abandoned? Maybe their mother would return to them after a few hours. But if you touched them it means their mother could reject them. If they are so young it will be very difficult for you. I tried once with such a small one. You have to feed it and also help it to shit! Unfortunately it didn't survive. The vet told us that without their mother at such young age it is very difficult to survive. In the past I rescued several kittens but they had their eyes open. When it is just 1-2 weeks you need a lot of luck. Some vets have their clinics attached to their homes. Try calling several of them and you might get lucky.
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