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Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:02 pm

OTTOMAN !!! Maybe you were referring to this exhibition of civilized behavior

I know that this disgusting barbaric exhibition of stupidity has nothing what so ever to do with Turkey .I just thought that you should be aware that this sick ideology is very pertinent to your views .
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Postby OTTOMAN » Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:42 am

Get Real! wrote:
humanist wrote:Otoman discriminates against homesexuals
I heard a rumour that a number of gavurs and a `traitor´ are planning to disrupt the ATCA forum, to name but two: Getreal... or was his name Getfacked!!! and his boyfriend Birkibrisli
Any way `BOYS´I just could not wait any longer, so I thought I would formally `invite´you to ATCA myself.
I really did go to all the trouble of joining this forum, just so I could give you a personal invite
PS: As a special wellcome I have arranged for George Micheal to greet you, he told me he is going to `bend over backwards´to give you a special wellcome, I know you boys will appreciate it!

Administration could you pls ban this biggot form the forum please. He is offensive and discriminatory adn should not be tolerated.

Thank you

I strongly OBJECT to that. For as long as I'm a welcomed guest on their board then the least we can do is exchange the favor. Thanks.

Thanks for that, Getreal, although it`s not neccasary, as I only ever did want to come on to this forum to give you a personal invite to ATCA :wink:
I find our forum so much more intellectual and civilised, one day on this forum and I was reduced to the same mentallity as the `fettish boy´here.
I do apologise for all the swearing, well to those decent members here, not the morons... yes you know who you are pitsilos & peers!
You deliberately provoked me into behaving on a parr with your mental capabilities, because you are not capable of anything else!
I am glad to know that Pricksilos (sorry spelling mistake) is also brousing the ATCA site, you never know if he studied it enough, he might even one day be able to put an intelligent arguement together, well at least more than the threé words he is currently capable of stringing together...`stained maxi pads´ although I seriousley doubt it :lol:
Anyway those of you wondering how Getreal is doing :lol: Why not see for yourself :wink:
But one thing I will say for him, he has more to say than morons that can`t talk about anything other than `maxi pads´ :wink:

`Fettishboy´you have all the qualities to run for president of GRSC (greek republic of southern cyprus) when the current former EAOKA terrorist you have now running your country retires :wink:

Bye :lol:
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Postby OTTOMAN » Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:56 am

... and before some dim wit like pricksilos (sorry trying to type to fast) thinks he has struck gold: for the use of current & former together although contridictary... was intentional.
Ok, some people will need a day or two for the `penny to drop´ :wink:

I possibly won`t be back on this forum, so I suppose it really is Bye :wink:

Go on pricksilos, tell me one more time, just for `old times sake´
What are those things you love so much :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Murataga » Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:42 am

militiades- you wrote:

When you refer to gavurs you obviously mean people who do not subscribe to this sick ideology , correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this behaviour rather barbaric . Have a look at the non gavurs , oh boy do I want to shout Allah o ahbar while mutilating my self . What a refined and civilized religion !! Have a look !!

Although not directly related to the Cyprus problem, there are a couple of important remarks I`d like to make regarding your message:

(1) Not every psycho who grabs a knife and starts cutting himself or his children is a "Muslim" just because he calls himself one. Please grant us the respect of making that distinction.

(2) Unfortunately the Islamic world is caught to a very lethal fever and it is called "religious fanaticism". Many people are committing uncivilized acts and terror in the name of Islam. I agree with you that such acts are barbaric and unacceptable and reprimand them in the strongets way possible.

(3) Turks are unique on these terms for they are the only people on the face of the planet who practice Islam and secularity at the same time. They are the only people who give no credit to religious fanaticisim (with the acception of minor fractions) and unlike most Muslim countries see the West as the "goal" rather than as the "devil". Their secular and moderate system is a recipe for peace and needs to be supported and harboured by Western nations rather than get hampered.
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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:53 am

Murataga, when you wake up from your dream please let us know ............ when Turkey removes its troops from Cyprus and allows for a free and united Island then and only then can you have the right to speak of turkey and peace in the same sentence. The only thing that turkey knows how to do is invade, kill and conquer. As someone who has lost a 17year old uncle at the hands of Turks I tell you Turkey is a bully encouraged none other than the US & its dollar to perpetrate violence, violate human rights and keep the so called people she is in Cyprus for, oppressed for 32 years. Go find yourself a lolly pop and start sucking because if you cannot keep your mouth shut from spitting out crap you need to fill it with crap.
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Postby pitsilos » Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:12 am

OTTOMAN wrote:... and before some dim wit like pricksilos (sorry trying to type to fast) thinks he has struck gold: for the use of current & former together although contridictary... was intentional.
Ok, some people will need a day or two for the `penny to drop´ :wink:

I possibly won`t be back on this forum, so I suppose it really is Bye :wink:

Go on pricksilos, tell me one more time, just for `old times sake´
What are those things you love so much :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


here you go otto boy,
a new fresh pack :lol:

otto boy could it be the reason for your mispelling is that you're lacking in this department perdikovilloui mou? :lol: descendant of khan? :lol:

ps. let me know when you wanna invest in pet rocks, as i have an abundance in the back yard that i am throwing away, errr selling to morons. :lol:

before i forget hardcandy is calling you
don't keep him waiting :lol:
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Postby Murataga » Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:43 am

humanist- easy with the cussing... I didn`t even make any comment regarding the Cyprus problem.

Sorry about your uncle but my parents and grandparents were almost brought to the brink of starvation under the GC siege of the enclaves (simply beacuse they refused to succumb to ENOSIS and refused to give up their legaal rights in the RoC) had it not been for the rescue of Turkey. Many TCs died and got massacred, so your pain is by no means unmatched. Yet it is the honorable Turkish Army`s Peace Operation that has brought peace and halted the bloodshed. Turkey is the anchor of peace, prosperity and stability in our region. So again, I acknowledge your loss and pain but we have a problem when you take it to a level of cussing to a country where I came from and who saved the lives of my family.
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Postby Murataga » Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:42 am

@ Ottoman- I don`t know if you`ll read this as you`ve expressed fairwell. However, I`ll write it anyway. I tried to follow your posts during the last few days. I acknowledge your frusturation with the GCs and share your background in the Cyprus conflict :wink: However, you dived into the forum with cussing and personal insults and than you did two things:

(1) associating yourself with ATCA and TMT
(2) putting up a Turkish flag as your sign

I personally believe that you are doing more damage than good to what you believe to be fighting for. Such aggression is spreading butter on the GCs` bread and giving a bad face to our struggle. Again, I sympathize with your efforts but kindly ask that you practice more caution in the future under such circumstances.
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Postby T_C » Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:48 am

Murataga wrote:@ Ottoman- I don`t know if you`ll read this as you`ve expressed fairwell. However, I`ll write it anyway. I tried to follow your posts during the last few days. I acknowledge your frusturation with the GCs and share your background in the Cyprus conflict :wink: However, you dived into the forum with cussing and personal insults and than you did two things:

(1) associating yourself with ATCA and TMT
(2) putting up a Turkish flag as your sign

I personally believe that you are doing more damage than good to what you believe to be fighting for. Such aggression is spreading butter on the GCs` bread and giving a bad face to our struggle. Again, I sympathize with your efforts but kindly ask that you practice more caution in the future under such circumstances.

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Postby humanist » Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:09 am

Murataga, thanks that was good post.

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