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what is new transmitting antenna requirements for DVB_T

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what is new transmitting antenna requirements for DVB_T

Postby halil » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:42 pm

what will be new planing criteria for the transmitting antenna systems.
İ would like to discuss this topic with electronic engineeres my be we can bring new topics to this politic..... aren't you fed up ?
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Postby Sotos » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:04 am

Your question is very technical. I doubt anybody except the government can know the answer to that.
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Postby halil » Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:04 am

This is nothing to do with government.Technical people will discuss the subject also lecturers from the high schools will join for this discussion to share the ideas and new transmission technology is all ready on the way.

İ will start with :
Anolog tv VSWR :less than 1.05 for 2-3 Channels.Signal is very sensitive to internal feeding network reflection(radiated ghost=
polarization :mostly Horizantal
Typical transmission line for anolog: P eff=0.7XP Nominal
: U max=1.3XSQRT(2XP nominal X 50 OHM)

DVB-T VSWR:less than 1.2 for up to 9 channels or broadband.
polarizasyon:Horizantal/Vertical(vertical radiation is good for mobile or portable reception)
Typical transmission line: P eff=P nominal
: U max=3.2XSQRT(2XP nominal X 50 OHM)

Anolog Tv Circularity of +/-2 dB widely excepted. with DVB-T +/- 1.5 dB desired.
with anolog beamtilt will focus to radio horizon(0.5 degrees). but with DVB-T beamtilt focus to defined edge.(1.7 degrees) electrical beam tilt may be realised to ca.5 degrees,with reasonable sidelobes.

more ideas pls
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Postby Street Racer » Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:47 pm


You ask about transmitting antennas.

Do you have a license to broadcast?

May I ask what your interest is in broadcast antenna design as this really is a specialised subject? IMHO if you're a broadcaster then leave the design work to manufacturers who have the design software, knowledge and test equipment to save you a great deal of time and money.

Aldena in Italy are as good as anyone.

The broadcast authority's in Nicosia are trying to limit the number of transmitting sites for both radio and TV in Cyprus and this in itself introduces problems for the different station owners in the form of intermodulation but lets not go there as this is a public forum and I don't wish to bore people to death.

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Postby halil » Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:00 pm

Street Racer wrote:Halil,

You ask about transmitting antennas.

Do you have a license to broadcast?

May I ask what your interest is in broadcast antenna design as this really is a specialised subject? IMHO if you're a broadcaster then leave the design work to manufacturers who have the design software, knowledge and test equipment to save you a great deal of time and money.

Aldena in Italy are as good as anyone.

The broadcast authority's in Nicosia are trying to limit the number of transmitting sites for both radio and TV in Cyprus and this in itself introduces problems for the different station owners in the form of intermodulation but lets not go there as this is a public forum and I don't wish to bore people to death.


Street Racer,
As u know DVB_T will be new transmitting system. i open this form to discuss how we can design transmitting system i know all about antenna makers,i know about antenna design software's as well.these are applies when you are opening tender or traying to open transmitter site. My idea is to discuss this subject technicaly . Students can understand theoriticaly what is design paramitters between analog and digital tranmission.
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Postby Street Racer » Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:32 pm


Are you a student studying this complex subject?

I'm an engineer who supplies and enginers TV and radio stations.

Why re-invent the wheel?

It's all been done and CYBC are planning to turn Cyprus digital so all those 30 year old TV's are destined for the skip.

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Postby halil » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:28 am

Street Racer wrote:Halil,

Are you a student studying this complex subject?

I'm an engineer who supplies and enginers TV and radio stations.

Why re-invent the wheel?

It's all been done and CYBC are planning to turn Cyprus digital so all those 30 year old TV's are destined for the skip.


Street Racer,
I am not a student.I am an engineer whose working on the DVB_T project.

we are also planing digital transmission at NC. Also Students are studing on this topic.So many research goes on at the moment.Specialy students are very interesting on this topic.we are geting too many students coming us with their home works i hope we can help them with discussions of this topics.we have to direct our young generation to work on these kind of the things not politic.

I am the manager of the Satellite earth station.
I can tell u I am realy good with tv,fm and am transmitters as well.
I have been trained on Marconi,Rohde&Schwars,CCA,BE,Siemens,Techno Systems,Itelco,İMP,Teletaş-Fuba,dB Electronica transmitters.

I will visit your web site after this writing.
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Postby Street Racer » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:58 am

Can we take this to private e-mail as we are in the same business.

There may be a possibility of some work together.

[email protected]
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Postby halil » Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:35 am

İ visited your's are dealing with taylor.does taylor's has any references for well knowing broadcasting companies.pls let me know.
we already have aldena fm and uhf antennas,also i met them ibc 2006 at amsterdam.we are planing to open a tender very soon we will invite them also.we are using Katharine,rymsa antenna systems for fm and uhf transmittion for vhf tv imp antennas.Our DVB-T transmitters are İMP from Slovenia.
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Postby Street Racer » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:44 am


Thanks for your e-mail yesterday. I will get around to answering you but may as well do it here.

Do you know a very good broadcast engineer based in Limassol called Tony? I know he does work on both radio & TV all over the country.

I'm not sure what you're asking about references from Taylor.

This is Mike Rea's website, the owner of Taylor:

I am one of his dealers.

You may wish to check out ABE:

They make some really very nice TV broadcasting equipment.

I'll be moving my business to Limassol shortly and should like to arrange a meeting if you're up or that. I'll be happy to meet you in Nicosia.

Is your shortwave service back on-air as I believe there were some transmitter problems some time ago?

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