Bring enough money to last a couple of months .
If you find work then register with the immigration / tax and social security and you will be ok ( failing to register will get you deported and a stop put on any future return ) -- monthly rent on a flat will be just a bit less than your monthly earnings so you won't be getting out much which is just as well when you find out how hard you will have to work

The norm is split shifts so your day is completely shot and you will be required to work 6 days a week -- often 7 when very busy and a dim view is taken of refusal

If you don't find work then bugger off back to the UK after your couple of months holiday .
I would have thought that you could really have figured this out yourself -- or are you the kind of kid that still needs his bottom wiped when he's a grown man
I should really sit down and have a really good think about this move -- haven't you looked around on previous visits to Cyprus ?
Bill -- unemployed and loving it