Thousands of Greek settlers in Cyprus.
http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/yazar ... rno=107096

eracles wrote:Sorry but that guy Ata Atun is a professor at the Near East University. He must know what he's talking about.
Also "Dr. Ata ATUN is a Turkish Cypriot and was born on 1948 at Istanbul, Turkey"
Heh actually, if you ready any of this complete joker's articles you'll see he lives in another universe. He is the total f**kw*t that said..
"The British began to allow Greeks to settle in Cyprus and communities were set up in Greece to encourage people to move to the island of Cyprus. Greek Cypriots became a majority on the island of Cyprus and remain so today."
And this guy is a professor?
The breakdown of “Greek settlers” in this electoral list of 500,000 is approximately as follows:
Pontus Greek Cypriots: 60,000 - 70,000
Citizens of the former Soviet Republic: 30,000
Christians who fled Lebanon: 15,000 - 20,000
Immigrants from Greece: 100,000
Asylum seeker Kurds: 2,500 - 3,000
Asylum seeker citizens from third countries: 9,500
Total of “Greek settlers in Cyprus”: approximately 230,000
Why are only Turkish Cypriots consistently blamed for bringing in 40,000 settlers from Turkey, while the Greek Cypriots are not...
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